"波斯语" 共找到影视: 1081 部
TheEnglishBag 10


  • 最新更新
  • 1999  

  The story happens during the era [in Iran], which has called the decade of Golden Freedoms. It describes the life of an intellectual politician (Dr. Adiban) who tries to change the system of feudalism in a small town.

风眼中 10


  • 已更新至52集
  • 2008  

性别的巴扎 9


Piremardvabagh-esangi'ash 3


  More than two decades after making his highly acclaimed film, The Garden of Stones, the director, Parviz Kimiavi once more turns his camera to the deaf and mute shepherd and his arcane collection. Darvish Khan is now an aged man who still takes after the garden of Stones set up over so many years. The film charts the life of Darvish Khan with his son and daughter-in-law and the...

流亡家庭电影 5


伊朗末代王后与我 3


  纳西德·伯森·萨维斯塔尼(Nahid Persson Sarvestani),伊朗裔瑞典籍女人,著名纪录片导演、制作人——一个当年参与推翻伊朗王室革命的学生,却最终成为革命后伊斯兰政权大清洗的牺牲品,被迫流亡海外。法拉赫,伊朗最后一名王后。王室政权1979年被推翻后,法拉赫随丈夫流亡,晚年定居美国。同样的祖先,同样在国外生存,纪录片《王后与我》记录了这两个女人之间的真实对话,讲述了伊朗末代王后法拉赫的传奇故事。

TalkingwithRivers 10


   <> 家 . . . . <>(2002), < >(2003), < 5>(2003), < >(2008) ...

RavayateShakhsi 4


  The emergence of the Coronavirus disease in late 2019 and its rapid spread throughout the world in 2020 made an indelible impact upon countless lives, transforming so many in a multitude of ways. This profoundly personal narrative details the efforts of a documentary filmmaker to portray the lives of six characters in quarantine and how it affects them. There is also the filmma...

Chetorjoratakardiinarezooiemozakhrafrabekoni 5


  Prominent filmmaker, artist and actress Mania Akbari reclaims her body—and that of all the other women in Iranian film. Using almost a hundred excerpts spanning Iran's film history, from the silent era to just after the Islamic Revolution—films that have all since been banned—she tells a story of liberation, exploitation, emancipation and ultimately oppression.
  Dancing women, w...

SonoftheMullah 5


  The Swedish-Iranian filmmaker Nahid Persson is known for uncompromisingly critical films about her native country. In her latest documentary, she focuses on the Iranian journalist Ruhollah Zam.
  Like many of his colleagues, Zam operates from abroad, in his case France, due to the lack of press freedom in Iran. Drawing on secret sources and anonymous video footage, and constantly...

帕利卡 5


  Portrait of Suraya Parlika also contains "black chronicle" of crimes from different provinces of Afghanistan, which was perpetrated by men against not only activists but also against women in their family, wives and daughters. Often just because they were determined to acquire basic education.

赤脚前往赫拉特 8


  Majid Majidi's emotional journey in the refugees camps of Afghanistan before and after the Taliban.

裸体国王:18个关于革命的片段 5


  The revolution had triumphed: in January 1979, the Shah had to leave Iran. Then the ayatollah took power. In Polish August 1980, the Solidarno union formed and changed the country with their strikes. The ascent followed the decline. Andreas Hoessli was a research fellow in Poland at that time. He met the reporter legend Ryszard Kapuciński. Because of his contacts he was also...