"希腊" 共找到影视: 1688 部
2004年第28届雅典奥运会闭幕式 2


  • 最新更新
  • 2004  


AkrivimouSofia 3


  • 最新更新
  • 1990  

记者与侦探 3


  • 已更新至30集
  • 1994  

  一个机灵聪明的记者,一个机智勇敢的侦探。两人在追寻真相,伸张正义的道路中相遇。找寻案件背后真正的罪犯,洗清无辜受害者的冤屈。 为此,他们甘愿冒着生命危险,罪犯进行种种周旋,在千难万险中,将罪犯缉拿归案,将事实大白天下。

火之手镯 2


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2023  

Kartpostal 7


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2021  

  The story revolves around Joseph, an introverted English archaeologist of Greek descent who returns to Greece to take a consulting position on an excavation. Only the foundations on which he has built his life prove to be shaky. He will wander in Crete on a fascinating and dynamic journey into the inner world of his soul. Through this journey he will be reconciled with the love...

无言的你 4


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2016  

  Chania, Greece 2016. A family like any other. A boy like any other. Or maybe not Little Pavlis lives in his very own world - a world of music, colors and emotions. His parents, Eleni and Yiannis, think of him as a genius. But the arrival of Eleni's younger brother Vasilis and his wife Ioanna will unsettle their everyday life. Ioanna insists on something being different about t...

战壕中的生活 4


  • 已更新至12集
  • 2019  

Oiapomahoi 4


  • 最新更新
  • 1982  

γκλημασταπαρασκνια 6


  Rosa Delli, an actress well-known for her love scandals, is found stabbed in her dressing room. Inspector Bekas (Titos Vandis) gets in charge of the case and finds himself up against the following questions: who and how committed the murder, given that the door was found locked from inside The police along with the journalists of a newspaper company asked the edge of the filam...

TheSecretoftheSnakeGoddess 10


  The story of the discovery of Knossos (克诺索斯) and the Minoans (米诺斯) by Sir Arthur Evans. Following Canadian archaeologist Alexander MacGillivray, the film travels to Crete, New York, Boston and Toronto, to discover the most famous masterpieces of Minoan art. The secrets they hide will change our view of the Minoan world.
  Through dramatic reconstructions shot in the archaeologica...

ThireanMatins 4


  A “visual social research” on Santorini that lays its sight on the period when the agricultural economy was gradually replaced by the swarming tourism industry. The movie exceeds the limitations of a simple folklore documentary, weaving a haunting portrait of a two-tier society, like the ominous vision of a future that had already arrived. A unique encounter between two great d...

米娅·佐伊 6


  “I wonder, did I live well or did I waste the amount of time given to me” Important people, standing on the cusp of their life, bestow their precious essence of wisdom on us, while we follow the course of a child alongside a small wooden boat floating in the water: from the springs of a river to the mouth of the sea, corresponding to Man’s voyage from birth to death.

阿尔加米亚 3


  In one of the poorest neighborhoods of Cairo, the community is the only way for hope.