"俄語" 共找到影视: 198 部
在我们工厂 7


游在他乡 4


Priyutdlyasovershennoletnikh 1


海兽 10


  This film has no IMDB listing and Wikipedia confuses it with a different movie. It’s Vytautas Zalakevicius’s last directorial effort, based on Yevgeny Zamyatin’s story The Flood. The original was a horrid, intense tale of post-revolutionary Russia. The director said he tried to preserve Zamyatin’s worldview though his film is set in a nameless town in some unidentified time per...

PērkuJūsuVīru 1


  On the day of their twentieth anniversary wwife is wisited by a husband's soon-to-be-twenty-years-old mistress, who offers twenty thousand in case of divorce.
  Jānis Cimermanis' first - and as of today - only attempt to direct non-animation movie. as this is simple comedy i would never bother to post it here if it weren't for Jānis Cimermanis' directors collection. it's a good o...

論奧塔·埃索里亞尼的電影 6


  Commentary on Iosseliani by Naum Kleiman, Director of the Moscow Cinema Museum.

白衛軍 2


  Нет нужды объяснять, что такое "Дни Турбиных" для МХАТа. Именно с помощью этой булгаковской пьесы Художественный театр в 1926 году впервые попытался выяснить отношения с безвозвратно ушедшим прошлым и вступить в компромиссные отношения с настоящим.
  В этой, четвертой по счету, постановке знаменитой булгаковской пьесы не стоит искать ответы на глобальные исторические вопросы. Нет...

Засчастьем 10


  Watching the happy families, Kate has made simple conclusion: the further away her husband is from the house, the more prosperity and happiness for the home. So the young wife sent her husband to a remote construction site ...

Налим 6


  • 译名:
  • 类别:
  • 语言:俄語  

  Screen version of Chekhov’s short stories “Burbot”, “Fish Business”, “From the Notes of a Short-Tempered Man”.

Ana-Bana 10


  • 译名:
  • 类别:
  • 语言:俄語  

  "Ana-Bana" – a situation comedy, that is made in the style of classical Italian cinema, as well as of Georgian comedy films of the seventies. It is a modern story of the seven days in the life of a Georgian Yard in old Tbilisi, in which people of different generations and nationalities live together. The film shows a colorful scene from the life of a large Georgian family. The ...

哥里小屋 8


  "Домик в Гори" (1939 г.) режиссера Е.Свиловой, продолжительностью приблизительно 9 минут, посвящен прославлению селения Гори,в котором родился Иосиф Сталин.
  蘇聯女導演Yelizaveta Svilova鏡頭下的哥里小屋。哥里正是當年約瑟夫·斯大林的出生地。

奥列西娅 2


  Drama based on the book by Kuprin. A young man from the city falls in love with a girl from the country side. She is not accepted by the village community: people think she is a witch.

Дредноуты 5


  • 译名:
  • 类别:
  • 语言:俄語