"智利" 共找到影视: 761 部
Puebloenvilo 10


Madrid 4


初年 3


Larespuestadeoctubre 8


总统同志 8


  Documentary about Salvador Allende bassed on interviews by the french intelectual Regis Debray.
  Very tendentious political documetary. If you're not chilean, I just want to emphasize this:
  1. Pinochet was a criminal, he made people get threaten, exiled and killed.
  2. Allende was a criminal, he made people get threaten, exiled and killed.
  3. Political documentaries are usually v...

VíctorJara:ElDerechodevivirenpaz 10


  纪念智利新歌运动的旗手VICTOR JARA逝世25周年所拍摄的纪录片。
  The documentary features extensive interviews, television footage and never before seen fotos. Victor Jara was a dangerous singer to the forces of facisism in Chile and his songs live on today in the hearts of those who seek justice and peace in the world. This dvd takes you into not only Victor's life, but into Chile's history during a very...

Dios 3


  In a country at the end of the world, the highest authority of the Catholic church lands. The Pope comes to bring the word of God, but Chile awaits him with the most important religious crisis in its history.

罗斯贝尔家族 4




  This fi lm was made during Ruiz’s time as fi lm commissar of Unidad Popular, the union of centre-left parties that ruled Chile with Salvador Allende between 1970 and 1973. It was fi lmed on 28 March 1971 during the large peasant march in Temuco organised to celebrate the law “protecting” the Mapuche Indio people which gave them full citizenship with all the relative rights. Wha...

Lashormigasasesinas 6


  20 mins, black and white, sci-fi / fantasy.

野兽的尾巴 6


  In a dystopian near future where the US government is taking Latin American immigrants to concentration camps, a Guatemalan mother asks her former employer the most difficult favor of her life.