"波多黎各" 共找到影视: 144 部
爱之碎片 1



船只 9


  • 已完结
  • 2016  

预科生的贩毒网络 9


  • 已完结
  • 2015  


戴眼镜的牛 7


  'Cows wearing glasses' is a film about the emotional awakening of a man who is nearing the end of his days. Marso, a solitary and eccentric painter and art professor, has a disease that will make him lose his sight at any time and that has forced him to rethink the relationship with his daughter, while taking stock of a life full of professional success but unsatisfactory on th...

相思病 2



黄色 9


  波多黎各女青年艾玛莉丝(罗塞莉·桑切斯 Roselyn Sanchez 饰)从小跟随父亲学习舞蹈,曾经是一名出色舞者的父亲如今下半身瘫痪,再也没有往日的神采,而艾玛莉丝在餐馆打工度日,无处施展自己的舞蹈才华。父亲难以忍受灰暗的现实自杀身亡,艾玛莉丝的男友趁机与她的母发生了关系,混乱的家乡小镇对艾玛莉丝没有了意义,她在朋友的帮助下奔赴纽约,希望重新找到人生的目标……对纽约全然陌生的艾玛莉丝暂住在一位脾气古怪的黑人诗歌教师家中,在反复的犹豫后,艾玛莉丝决定到钢管舞俱乐部工作,她的出色表现博得了持续的关注,也引来了一位男医生介入了她的情感世界。艾玛莉丝的舞蹈梦想开始渐渐升起……

无知的声音 10


  • 已完结
  • 2004  

  20世纪80年代伊始,位于中美洲北部的小国萨尔瓦多爆发长达12年的内战。**军和游击队连年激战,人民流离失所,国家破败不堪。11岁的男孩恰瓦(Carlos Padilla 饰)和母亲、姊妹生活在一起,他的父亲背井离乡,杳无音信。家中的生活困苦不堪,死亡也随时威胁着他们。本该在学堂求学的恰瓦,却被迫成为了一名端着冲锋枪的娃娃兵。从此,死神成为这群懵懂孩童最亲密最恐怖的同行者……
  本片荣获2005年墨西哥金像奖最佳化妆、最佳特效和最佳女配角(Ofelia Medina)三项大奖;2005年柏林国际电影节水晶熊奖、2005年圣地亚哥影评人协会最佳外语片奖;2005年西雅图国际电影节最佳影片奖。

ElReporte 9


  Bernie is a young man who wants it all, and he wants it now. His big break comes when his boss assign him the presentation of the office's annual report at the Company's Headquarters, to no other than the president himself. Bernie plans to impress him and pave the way for a fast climb up the company ladder. But, his cross-island journey to get there turns into an unexpected adv...

TheBell,theDigger,andtheTropicalPharmacy 9


  This video was shot in a US-owned pharmaceutical plant in Cidra, Puerto Rico. It records the sounds and movements of a “sonic digger,” whose bucket has been replaced by a large cast-iron bell that destroys the interior of the building. The modified machine is thus transformed into a “counter-memorial” instrument that marks the occasion of the closure of this significant workpla...

MeltingSnow 5


  In 1952, the mayor of San Juan, Felisa Rincon de Gautier, partnered with the now defunct U.S. carrier Eastern Airlines to transport two tons of snow from New Hampshire to Puerto Rico. The snow was a gift to the island meant to enchant Puerto Rican children with a “white” American Christmas. The spectacle represented an unfair economic transaction: planes brought capitalist inst...

OtrosUsos 3


  Shot from the old fuel dock, a mile-and-a-half-long structure once used to service battleships and now used by fishermen as a new short at the decommissioned US Naval Base of Roosevelt Roads in Ceiba, Puerto Rico. The view from the dock is, on one side, the Island of Vieques, and on the other; Vieques Sound–a passage that connects the Caribbean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. The ...

ElCuervo,laYeguaylaFosa 8


  Em um de seus ensaios, Beatriz Santiago Muoz (1972, San Juan, Porto Rico) prope pensar a prática cinematográfica de forma análoga à realizao de um ritual, na mesma medida em que um ritual transforma as condies de ateno e percepo de seus participantes, numa dinamica em que os papéis e as posies se tornam fluidos e intercambiáveis. Prope também deslocar o foco do pen...

鱼缸 8


  Beautiful and raw combination of lyricism and realism in debut drama about a woman with cancer running to her gorgeous, polluted home island to face herself.
  When Noelia finds out that her cancer has spread, she sets aside the search for new procedures and abruptly goes from San Juan back to Vieques, the island where she grew up in southwest Puerto Rico. At home with her mother...

利波里奥 1

