"丹尼尔.斯蒂尔" 共找到影视: 8 部
MessagefromNam 2


  Journalism Major Paxton Andrews loses the man she loves in the Vietnam War. Always having followed the beat of a different drum, she decides to work out her grief by going to Vietnam and writing a column that will hopefully help those at home better understand the War. While she's there her life is changed profoundly, and she finds new love and hope in the midst of death and de...

FineThings 4


永远的誓言 6


珠宝王国 10


  • 已更新至4集
  • 1992  

  莎拉生长在曼哈顿区南汉普顿,经过第一次不幸的婚姻,她随同父亲搭乘玛丽皇后号前往战云笼罩的欧洲散心。她在一连串邀宴中疲惫地应付来自各方的异性,终于在一天下午与她的白马王子邂逅。韦特菲公爵是英国王位排名第十四的继承人,为了莎拉,他甘愿放弃微乎其微的继承希望,迎娶莎拉为他的公爵夫人。这对神仙美眷历经战火的煎熬,无意间建立起他们的珠宝王国,也孕育了他们的下一代…… 这是一个跨越五十年的故事,是一部时代冲击下的珍贵家族史,交织着战争、激情、挑战与阴谋

没有比这更伟大的爱 9


  • 最新更新
  • 1996  

  父母与未婚夫在泰坦尼克海难中丧生后,年轻的埃德温纳-温菲尔德(Kelly Rutherford)就担负起了抚养三个年幼的弟妹的重任,并且接管了她父亲的报社。虽然她身边并不缺乏潜在的求婚者,不过失去所爱的记忆一直困扰着她,因此相较于婚姻,她宁愿把注意力集中在为孩子们提供一个稳定的家庭上面。可是她的努力疏远了一些孩子,他们有自己的计划要反抗她。她能把破碎的家庭整合在一起,并且战胜心灵上的阴影,摆脱殉难情结,得到属于自己的真正的生活吗?

烽火情缘 1


  Danielle Steele's WWII soap opera is given the epic treatment in this film that was shown across three nights on network TV. At the film's beginning, an industrialist (Lee Horsley) meets the wife (Cheryl) of a French ambassador (Christopher Plummer) on a transatlantic voyage to Europe. As time and the war progresses, she returns to America when Paris becomes occupied by the Naz...

戒指 4


  During WW II, a young German woman is separated from her family and imprisoned by the Nazis. After being freed she falls in love with and marries a German officer. When Berlin falls to the Russians, and her husband killed, she flees to America, carrying his unborn child, all the while not giving up hope that she will find her family, tied together by her mother's ring