"丽莎贝斯·斯科特" 共找到影视: 16 部
赤壁烽烟 10


苦海红莲 7


球王秘史 10


铁弹芳魂 6


  John Forbes is a family man who's tired of the 9 to 5 humdrum of his job an insurance company executive. Life gets a little more exciting for him when he calls upon femme fatale Mona Stevens. Her boyfriend has embezzled from a store insured by Forbes' company and has showered her with gifts using the loot. Forbes comes to collect the ill-gotten gifts, but the boyfriend is in ja...

银矿 10


  A stranger in town becomes the target of a lynch mob in Allan Dwan's feverish Western noir, made at the height of the nation's "Red Scare" witch hunts and now acclaimed as one of the most concise anti-McCarthy parables ever made by Hollywood. About to marry the lovely Rose (Lizabeth Scott) on the 4th of July, straight-ahead Dan Ballard (John Payne) finds his nuptials interrupte...

欲海奇男 6


  There is no way to write a "spoiler"---is there actually somebody somewhere who, ten minutes into this 1950's film, wouldn't know where it is going and will end up---since it is a strictly written-by-the-numbers corruption and redemption meller that finds: number 1, a doctor returns from the Korean War to his Pennsylvania mining hometown, (and 2) must choose between dedicating ...

笑面豺狼 5


  • 已完结
  • 1951  

  Brandy Kirby和邪恶的律师Vincent Mailer想通过伪造一个William和Maida McIntyre夫妇失散多年的儿子,来捞取好处。Brandy于是诱骗赌徒Lefty Farrell假扮这个儿子。McIntyre的侄女,喜欢Lefty,将他介绍了McIntyre夫妇,老夫妇很快相信了这就是Lefty他们的儿子,但老人却不肯修改遗嘱。Lefty不敢杀害McIntyre,而说穿了Mailer的骗局。(文:life_is_good@YDY)
  Brandy Kirby and crooked Lawyer Vincent Mailer plan to rob William and Maida McIntyre by producing a convincing double for their long-lost son. Brand...

荒漠情仇 3


  Fritzi Haller is a powerful casino owner in Chuckawalla, Nevada. Her daughter Paula (having quit school) returns at the same time as racketeer Eddie Bendix, who left under suspicion of murdering his wife. Paula and Eddie become involved; each for their own reasons, Fritzi, Paula's old beau Tom, and Eddie's pal Johnny try to break up the relationship. Then Eddie's past catches u...

悔之已晚 3


  Young Lisbeth Scott and Alan Kennedy are driving one night when another car flashes its lights at them and the driver tosses a bag containing 60,000 dollars into their car and drives off. Alan wants to turn it in, but the money reveals a rather frightening side of Jane's personality and she insists they keep it for a while. Their story twists and turns as the rightful recipient...

天涯独行 4


  Frankie Madison returns to New York after 14 years in prison. Noll Turner, Frankie's former partner in bootlegging, is now a wealthy nightclub manager, and Frankie is expecting him to honor a verbal '50:50' agreement they made when he was caught and Noll got away. Fat chance! Can Frankie, who knows only the strong-arm methods of Prohibition, win out against Big Business It'll ...

非法图利 9


  Crime drama in which one detective must battle a corrupt system in order to bring a violent gangster to justice. An honest police captain faces seemingly insurmountable odds when he attempts to nail a mobster with powerful allies in high places. He engages in a deadly battle of wits with the mob, and an even greater fight against corruption from within the force.

银海追缉令 8



杀机四起 4


  • 已完结
  • 1950  

  Danny Haley's bookie operation is shut down, so he and his pals need money; when Danny meets Arthur Winant, a sucker from out of town, he decoys him into a series of poker games where eventually Winant loses $5000 that isn't his...then hangs himself. But it seems Winant had a shadowy, protective elder brother who believes in personal revenge. And each of the card players in tur...

深爱着你 5


  小镇青年Deke Rivers是个无依无靠的送货员,在一次偶然的街头表演中被野心勃勃的公关经纪人Glenda Markle发掘,签入了乡村乐团。爱才如命的Glenda花费许多心血,一门心思要把Deke捧红。而Deke却陷入了两难,一方面Glenda许诺了他未知的大好前程,但另一方面,他又向往和乐团另一位乡村歌手Susan回归田园牧歌。而此时,Glenda的前夫也因为她对Deke的过分关注心生不满。Deke会作何选择呢?本片是猫王的第一部彩色电影,也是猫王首次担纲主演。剧情以猫王的真实经历为灵感,是猫王进入主流观众群体的重要尝试之一。同名主题曲Loving You和插曲Teddy Bear在影片上映后成为大热曲目。而猫王演唱Teddy Bear的造型,也是他众多银幕形象的个中代表。