"乌尔里克·奥廷格" 共找到影视: 18 部
最南航 6


  Places and worlds beyond the interest of the media are at the mercy of the law of forgetting. The spotlight fades and that which urgently needs public attention lies in the dark: poverty, hopelessness, and the population's fear in the face of terror from the state or from gangs, of Mafia-like business practices and paramilitary despotism.This is not a journey to a far-off land,...

Aloha 1


ChamissosSchatten 10


蓝水手的陶醉 10


Berlinfieber-WolfVostell 3


  In 1973, Wolf Vostell, an artist associated with Fluxus, made a happening in which participants were required to perform a series of ritual, obsessive actions, such as “go to the trunk of your vehicle, there open and close the trunk 750 times and 375 times put a white plate in it and take it out 375 times.” Described by Ottinger as a documentation of what Vostell called “dé-col...

雪之下 2


  Oft noch im Mai wird das japanische Echigo von einer dicken, meterhohen Schneeschicht bedeckt, die alles in kühles Wei einhüllt. über viele Jahrhunderte hinweg hat man hier deshalb einen ganz eigenen Umgang mit Klte und Eis entwickelt und Rituale, Feste und das Alltagsleben der stndigen Prsenz des Schnees angepasst. Mit ihrem Dokumentarfilm "Unter Schnee" versucht Ulrike Ot...

中国:艺术与生活 6


  In this four and a half hour documentary or filmic tavelogue, Ulrike Ottinger tries to impart new ways of seeing a foreign culture. "In my previous films I have dealt with the themes of exoticism, minorities and their differing role behaviour within their own culture. Now I am interested in expanding this theme, in getting to know a 'real exoticism' in a foreign land and in a d...

普拉特公园 2


  Voted Best Documentary of 2008 by German film critics, PRATER is a feast of extravagant imagery portraying the past and present of Prater, Vienna’s famed amusement park. Director Ottinger (FREAK ORLANDO, MADAME X: ABSOLUTE RULER) is in her element shaping this colorful odyssey with a down-the-rabbit-hole feel. Shiver-inducing wonder and horror attend views of sideshow attractio...

巴黎画诗 4


  From a topographic perspective, Ulrike Ottinger’s cinema is mostly located between Berlin and remote places in the Far East or the Far North. In Paris Calligrammes, she explores the landscape of her memories of the city that she called home for 20 years and that helped shape her beginnings as a painter and filmmaker. Ottinger moved to Paris in her twenties and immersed herself ...

流亡上海 5



乌尔莱克·奥汀格:湖中游牧人 6


  A richly rewarding close-up of the woman director who, along with Margarethe von Trotta and Helke Sander, helped launch New German Cinema on world screens.

第70届柏林国际电影节颁奖典礼 5


  • 最新更新
  • 2020  

  当地时间周六,第70届柏林电影节落下帷幕,最佳影片金熊奖颁给了伊朗导演穆哈默德·拉素罗夫执导的《无邪》。领奖台上,制片人Farzad Pak透露:导演穆罕默德·拉索罗夫被禁止离开伊朗,无法亲自领取金熊奖,“感谢为该片遭受生命威胁的我们的演员和剧组成员们。”导演的女儿、同时也是该片演员的Baran Rasoulof代父亲领奖。

X夫人:绝对的统治者 4


  Adventure and fun on the high seas awaits these oppressed women in the classic avant-garde film from Ulrike Ottinger. Adventure and fun on the high seas comes at a price for this band of stereotyped women, who answer a call to join Madame X on her ship Chinese Orlando and experience a life without rules and patriarchal tyranny. However old roles reassert themselves and the wome...

怪诞的奥兰多 5


  乌尔里克·奥廷格(Ulrike Ottinger),一位作品比韦纳·施罗特更少更难得一见的新德国电影导演,她是七十年代德国电影中风格最独特的女导演,是新德国电影中实验电影分支的重要人物之一。乌尔里克·奥廷格1942年生于康斯坦兹,1959年至61年在慕尼黑学习艺术,绘画和摄影,随后前往巴黎寻梦,整个六十年代她一直在巴黎做一名自由艺术家,但却经受着生活的艰难和理想的破灭,七十年代初回到德国,从没有经过专业电影学习的她拿起了摄影机,1973年她拍摄了第一部纪录短片《狂热的柏林》,接着又拍摄了《拉奥孔和孩子们》(1975),一部四十分钟长超现实风格的故事片,1978年的《X夫人:绝对的统治者》把她推向了德国实验电影的先锋地位,这是一部充满了各种离奇荒诞的想象和大量隐喻画面的女性前卫电影杰作,1984年的《多丽斯·格蕾在黄色杂志中的照片》更是集超现实剧情,实...