"乌戈·利贝拉托雷" 共找到影视: 10 部
新潮男女 10


  A dramatic and penetrating examination of the intellectual and moral standards existing at Oxford University, England. Featuring three of the brightest rising stars of the European cinema of the 1970s (Jane Birkin, John Steiner and Alessio Orano) and a cool retro soundtrack by the Tremeloes, MAY MORNING is kinky, sexy, violent thriller.

杀手的记录 1


爱的遭遇 3


  Glenn and Carlo are in beautiful and exotic island of Bali where they work on writing a photo book. Glenn is in the grip of a mystical crisis, influenced by the magical rituals of the place, converted to Hinduism, attends a holy friend, Tillem and lives as a polygamist with two indigenous wives. Carlo is skeptical, he doesn't believe in anything, only in his work, even if he do...

木马屠城 1


  • 已完结
  • 1961  


伏击骑兵队 9


烦闷 5


  The son of a dead Italian nobleman and a wealthy American woman forgets the disappointment of finding he has no talent for being a painter by succumbing to the sexual advances of an amoral model who believes in indiscriminate love affairs.

八十年代灰姑娘 8


  In this contemporary retelling of the Cinderella story, a feisty 18-year-old Italian-American New Yorker named Cindy is sent off moxia.cc to Rome with her irascible stepmother and vain stepsisters. On the way, she meets, and falls in love with, globetrotting bagpacker Mizio, who eventually turns out to be of Italian nobility. There's a fairy stand-in in the form of a spaced-out...

夺命大** 6


  A mob hitman wants to retire, but his bosses don’t think that’s a good idea. Complications–and many bloody shootouts-ensue.

LesnuitsdeRaspoutine 6


  During the last days of Imperial Russia, Rasputin (Edmund Purdom) cures the Czar's son and endears himself to the royal family, but he is persecuted by envious and conniving officials who seek his ruin. A young prince (John Drew Barrymore) is given the task of murdering Rasputin, but the conspiracy fails. However, they continue trying to kill him, but he keeps escaping - as if ...