"乌戈·皮罗" 共找到影视: 23 部
作者笔记 7


杀手的记录 1


黑色编年史 6


  A call girl (Gioia Scola) becomes caught up in betrayal and murder after she marries a politician and later takes a lover (Clayton Norcross).

忍辱偷生 7


印第安人乔 1


  • 已完结
  • 1966  

撒丁岛绑架案 7


  Christina Fisher arrives in Sardinia to spend a holiday with her university friend, Francesco. As they are touring the island, they are trapped by mountain terrorists. Francesco is kidnapped, but Christina is permitted to leave. She is determined to contact the police, but is persuaded not to by Francesco's best friend, Gambino. Together they try to find the kidnappers, but she...

奥科罗行动 8


  这部电影是基于西班牙巴斯克埃塔组织于1973年12月20日,成功暗杀佛朗哥独裁政权的总理,海军上将布兰科公爵 (Don Luis Carrero Blanco)的历史事件而改编的.在1973年末,佛朗哥仍然是西班牙的铁腕执政者,他禁止反对党和劳工运动,无情地追捕巴斯克民族主义者.但同时他已经年迈,所以要解决政权的连续性和接班人问题.海军上将布兰科有足够的权威和经验并得到佛朗哥的信任.因此对于秘密的巴斯克埃塔组织而言,他们必须要除掉他.一个大胆的计划形成了,它需要小心翼翼地去执行

Funes,ungranamor 8


维罗纳审判 7


  This film is the moving story of Edda Ciano, the daughter of Italian dictator Mussolini, who was unable to prevent the atrocious assassination of her husband by fanatics of her father.

赛璐珞 8


  The making of "Roma, città aperta" by Rossellini, the difficulties in producing it, the mild reaction from the audience at the opening night.

归乡之路 9


  前南最好的战争人性片之一, 根据真实事件改编, 编剧是两次获奥斯卡最佳剧本提名的意大利作家Ugo Pirro.
  In Dalmatia, police cooperating with the occupying Italians have arrested seven young communists. Their friends decide to free them. However, things go awry, some of the police are killed, and the Italians extract brutal reprisals on the villages of the people involved. After the war, the man who led the effort to free the...

唤醒与杀戮 10


  During the 1960s Luciano Lutring committed more than one hundred armed robberies in Italy and on the French Riviera. To the media he was the "machine gun soloist," a name he'd earned as he kept his weapon in a violin case. To the public he was a romantic figure, one who only targeted the wealthy, stealing more than 35 billion lire during his criminal career. WAKE UP AND KILL wa...

白天的猫头鹰 1


  The first great thriller by director Damiano Damiani, followed by many remarkable films in the 70s, such as "Io ho paura" with Gian Maria Volonte and "Un uomo in ginocchio" with Giuliano Gemma. "Il giorno della civetta" has a marvelous cast: Franco Nero just risen to stardom with "Django" (1966), Claudia Cardinale can be seen here a year before "Once Upon a Time in the West", a...