"乔治·伍德布里奇" 共找到影视: 7 部
吹哨吧,我会来找你 5


  A university professor, confident that everything which occurs in life has a rational explanation, finds his beliefs severely challenged when, during a vacation to a remote coastal village in Norfolk, he blows through an ancient whistle discovered on a beach, awakening horrors beyond human understanding.

恐怖塔 10


大兵封侯记 6


两手准备 3


  在监狱中Peter Sellers策划了一个完美的抢劫计划。他要趁别人注意到他之前越狱去偷一颗能给人带来好运的钻石。在宣判之前,无懈可击的辩词和能带来好运的钻石,哪个能帮到他?

探长来访 2


  • 已完结
  • 1954  

  Based on a famous stage play and set in the year 1912, an upper crust English family dinner is interrupted by a police inspector who brings news that a girl known to everyone present has died in suspicious circumstances. It seems that any or all of them could have had a hand in her death. But who is the mysterious Inspector and what can he want of them

纽约之王 7


  • 已完结
  • 1957  
