"乔治·埃尔德雷奇" 共找到影视: 7 部
TheOldTexasTrail 2


TriggerTrail 7


OklahomaRaiders 1


  Oklahoma Raiders is yet one more Betty Burbridge re-working of an original Bennett Cohen story ("Come on Danger,1932", "The Renegade Ranger, 1938", "Come On Danger, 1942" and "Alias Billy the Kid, 1946" among a couple of other uses), usually commissioned by Cohen or Oliver Drake as Associate Producers of whichever version they were involved with. In this one, the hero is an inv...

TheLoneStarTrail 1


  A U.S. marshal and his sidekick help a framed ex-convict track rustlers.

惊魂记 3


  • 已完结
  • 1960  

  年轻的马里恩·克兰(珍妮特·利 饰)在Phoenix工作,深受老板洛厄里(沃恩·泰勒 饰)信任。男友萨姆·卢米斯(约翰·加文 饰)在Fairvale经营一家五金店,因要替亡父还债又要支付前妻赡养费而无力再婚,只能借出差的机会偶尔来与马里恩幽会。马里恩对此感到不满,于是在周五下午趁机携四万美元公款驾车潜逃。可是马里恩的潜逃之路并不顺利:先是在出城的时候被洛厄里目击,周六一大早又被警察怀疑。花了七百美元以旧车换新车之后,马里恩继续忐忑地行驶。入夜后,天降大雨,视线模糊,无法行驶,马里恩只得将车泊入路边的贝茨汽车旅馆投宿。老板诺尔曼(安东尼·珀金斯 饰)十分友善,试图邀请马里恩到家里共进晚餐,可惜被凶恶的母亲粗暴阻止,只得将晚餐端至旅馆客厅。马里恩在客厅一边进餐一边与诺尔曼交谈,终于决定周日返回Phoenix。用餐完毕,马里恩回房沐浴。这时,一个老妇的身影...

无嫌疑者 6


  A girl has been murdered. A woman cannot remember a man who claims to be her husband. Her uncle hosts a radio murder mystery show called "The Unsuspected". Who killed the girl Why And who is this mystery husband