"亚当·沃诺维茨" 共找到影视: 13 部
Pakt 1


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2016  

  Piotr Grodecki odkrywa skandal seksualny, w który zamieszany jest jeden z ministrów. Z determinacj walczy, aby ujawni niewygodne szczegóy zdarzenia. Stoi przed nim podwójnie trudne zadanie – odkrycie prawdy oraz ochrona wykorzystanej seksualnie modej ofiary. Jednoczenie na lsku dochodzi do tragicznego wypadku w kopalni. Doprowadza on do konfrontacji midzy przybyym na m...

如你所见 2


我所有的朋友都死了 6


  • 已完结
  • 2020  


亲家2 2


  Will there be a wedding this time Weronika and Lukasz - the would-be young couple from the first part decides to give each other a second chance and invites the family to a wedding and a wedding reception in a seaside town. Among the guests there are well-known heroes: Wanda and Tadeusz with their dog Mirelka, as well as divorced Malgorzata accompanied by ... a dozen years you...

颠倒黑白 6


  A story about women, set in the present and in 1950s Warsaw. The main character is Sabina, a quiet, shy woman who has just turned thirty. Clearly, she lacks a man in her life. Her mother knows all about it and tries at all costs to find her daughter a good candidate for a husband. The whole si...

中欧罗宾汉 3


  尤拉伊·亚诺希克(Juraj Jánoík;波兰名:耶日·亚诺西克Jerzy Janosik;匈牙利名捷尔吉·亚诺希克Gyrgy Jánosik)。18世纪斯洛伐克著名强盗,被称为传奇的“中欧罗宾汉”。1688年1月25日受洗,1713年3月17日被处决。亚诺希克出生在匈牙利哈布斯堡王朝(1686年~1790年)的特尔霍瓦(位于今斯洛伐克日利纳地区),15岁时参加匈牙利人民反抗哈布斯堡王朝的库鲁克武装起义斗争(1671年~1711年),在特伦钦战败后被招募到哈布斯堡王朝军队。1710年秋,作为比特恰的一名年轻的狱警,亚诺希克帮助被囚禁的老乡、强盗托马什·乌霍尔奇克(Tomá Uhorík;?~1713年4月;亚诺希克强盗团伙二号人物;1713年春与亚诺希克一同被捕,在亚诺希克被处决后的一个月被执行死刑)逃狱。1710年底,亚诺希克回到家乡,开...

那时候 10


  Marta is a romantic and a school victim of fate. He shares a room with his sister Kasia and grandmother, who tells her granddaughters insurgent stories instead of fairy tales. In the room behind the wall, my parents - Tadek and Elzbieta - live their married life. He is a constantly humiliated intelligent by the system who silently envies his prosperous brother-in-law. She is th...

我的美好人生 5


  • 已完结
  • 2021  

  A blackmail note threatening to reveal a woman's affair sparks a chain of events that serves as large-scale group therapy for her entire family.

我如何成为黑帮老大 10



明星迟暮 1


  A policeman gets killed and the short-staffed police chief sends for a few experienced officers to support him in his fight with organized crime. Meanwhile, a conflict between local gangster groups escalates.@艾米电影网

突破极限 10


  • 已完结
  • 2017  


红蜘蛛 1

