"亨利·方达" 共找到影视: 90 部
JohnFord,l'hommequiinvental'Amérique 5


  This documentary follows the life of the renowned american director, author of more than 150 works and winner of more Oscar awards than any other, and shed ligth on the significance of his most outstanding films.

制作《中途岛之战》 5


学府趣闻 2


  Dwight Dawson, who runs an unsuccessful success school, stages a contest to find the biggest failure in the USA, for publicity value when the "dope" takes his course. But winner Tad Page is contented with his idle, lazy life and threatens to convert Dawson's other students to his philosophy. Dawson captalizes on Tad's attraction to Claire Harris to win him over; but will Tad fi...

红颜春醒 2


莫德 6


TheGreatestManintheWorld 1


  This version of James Thurber's tale tells the story of a young amateur pilot who beats Charles Lindbergh's feat of nonstop flying around the world--with his own unique ways of conserving fuel and energy.

碰撞的方针:杜鲁门对决麦克阿瑟 8


  U.S. President Harry S Truman and his commander in the Korean War, General Douglas MacArthur, disagree on war strategy. Their conflict comes to a head when Truman relieves the insubordinate MacArthur from command.

北方之子 6


  Two Alaskan salmon fishermen, Tyler Dawson (skipper of the "Who Cares") and Jim Kimmerlee of the "Old Reliable," are lifelong pals. Their romantic rivalry over young Dian ends amicably. But a more serious rift, with violent consequences, arises when Tyler befriends Russian fish pirates while Jim finds himself aligned with local vigilantes. Notable glacier scenery.

WayDownEast 10


孤雁长鸣 10


  In the 1890s lumberjack John leaves Seattle for Alaska to look for gold. After he marries dancehall girl Sally, he finds she used to be in love with his best friend Blackie.

史密斯一家 7


CaptainsandtheKings 8


TheDisplacedPerson 9


I'maFool 7


  Based on a short story by Sherwood Anderson, I'm a Fool stars Ron Howard as a 1920s race-track groom. Told in bittersweet flashbacks, the story relates Howard's attempts to impress pretty debutante Amy Irving by pretending to be rich. If only he'd just been "himself"...but by the time he realizes this, it's too late.