"伊娃·马格亚" 共找到影视: 7 部
TheHeadHunter 3


  In 1972 the tranquility of a coastal town in California is broken as hitch-hiking girls begin to go missing and corpses start showing up. Detectives chase every lead that presents itself, to pacify the Chief of Police and their terrified community. The body count rises as a monster reveals himself, hatching a plan to seek the ultimate revenge and murder the person who knows him...

黑镜第六季 7


评论家 3


  1934年的伦敦,伊恩·麦克莱恩饰演镇上最令人畏惧的戏剧评论家吉米·厄斯金,杰玛·阿特登饰演女演员尼娜·兰德,决心赢得他的青睐。当吉米发现自己成为发表评论的报纸的新老板大卫·布鲁克(马克·斯特朗 饰)的目标后,尼娜陷入了一个充满勒索、欺骗和谋杀的危险网络中。

X战警:第一战 1


  • 电影解说
  • 2011  

  年轻的X教授查尔斯(詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊 James McAvoy 饰)和万磁王埃里克(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)是一对志向相投的好朋友。他们最早发现了自己的超能力,并与其他几个变种人一起在CIA工作。引发埃里克超能力的纳粹战争贩子肖(凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon 饰)一直试图挑起核战争,而想方设法挑起美苏两国的矛盾。埃里克和查尔斯一直与肖手下的变种人战斗,努力阻止肖的阴谋。肖怂恿苏联引发古巴导弹危机,查尔斯和埃里克获知消息后,在海湾与肖手下的变种人拉开了对决的一战。最终,肖被查尔斯和埃里克合力消灭。可是,在这个过程中,埃里克逐渐被肖的政治观点影响,与查尔斯产生裂痕。通过海湾的这一战,埃里克和查尔斯最终决裂,一方变成支持人类与变种人和平共存的X教授;另一方坚持通过消灭人类换来变种人兴起的观点,自称万磁王.........

我的母亲是纳粹 4


  Let Me Go is a film about mothers and daughters, it is about ghosts from the past and the impact they leave on the present. Developed from Helga Schneider's true life story, Let Me Go explores the effect on Helga's life of being abandoned by her mother, Traudi in 1941 when she was just four years old. The film is set in the year 2000 following not only Helga and Traudi's journe...

Haar 5


  HAAR is a gripping, intense and emotional drama. It's a film that asks questions about the real cost of the choices we make in our lives. It's a film that asks questions about the balance between work and life and that explores themes of trust and love, life and death. And it's a film, ultimately, about moving on with hope.