"何塞·路易斯·格林" 共找到影视: 19 部
ElúltimoshowSeason1 9


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2020  

  Tackles in a comical way the internal conflict of comedian Miguel ángel Tirado as he tries to run away from the character that brought him to fame.

看看地球 2


鸿雁传影:何塞·路易斯·格林与乔纳斯·梅卡斯往来影笺 1


  This correspondence, or exchange of letters and video diaries between acclaimed filmmakers Jonas Mekas and José Luis Guerin is extremely potent, there's sorcery at play in the mixture of the two. Together they're light and dark. Mekas knows life's joys, and is always a participant in what he films, Guerín is a detached observer, cold, present only as a black mote, reflected in ...

特邀客人 4


希尔维亚城的一些照片 1


  导演Jose Luis Guerin在拍摄《西尔维亚城中》时用DV随手拍的几段画面。
  Un homme retourne à Strasbourg à la recherche de Sylvia qu'il a rencontrée quatre ans plus tt. Cette quête se transformera en une déambulation dans les rues, et en une expérience esthétique. Une plongée dans l'intimité d'une ville et de ses habitants.

LeSaphirdeSaint-Louis 7


  In 1741, a ship called the Saphir sets sail from a port in La Rochelle, France on its way to the New World. On board are thirty crewmembers and two hundred seventy-one slaves. Somewhere off the coast of Santo Domingo, a slave revolt erupts. This little-known moment in history was memorialized in an obscure 18th century painting that hangs in the Saint-Louis Cathedral in La Roch...

两封给安娜的信 10


  Dos cartas a Ana de José Luis Guerin
  Espagne, 2011, vidéo, 28’, nb, vostf, inédit
  Séduit par les peintures disparues de l’Antiquité que les textes classiques évoquent, en particulier L’Histoire naturelle de Pline l’Ancien, José Luis Guerin livre un essai de forme épistolaire où images, paroles, lumière et ombre mettent en relation le cinéma et la peinture.
  Ce film est un prolog...

建筑进行时 4



ARyokan 8


TrenEstrasburgo:Paris 10


EnlaciudaddeLotte 5


某个早晨的记忆 5


  The window of my house frames the faade of a nineteenth century building with a date in large numbers: “1900”. Since I moved to my place 10 years ago, I started to record images of the changing seasons over the tree that interferes between the two buildings. Sometimes, through the autumn leaves or the bare branches, I discover some movement in the windows. These observations o...

Mujeresperandoaltranvía 2


deunaisla 2


  A poetic approach to the island of Lanzarote.
  Using only black and white footage accompanied by factual titles and a sparse piano and cello score, José Luis Guerin revives the language of silent cinema to capture the jagged textures of the landscape of Lanzarote and evoke its turbulent history. Yet De una isla is anything but stuck in the past: these 16 mm images are alive with...