"保罗·比尔特" 共找到影视: 6 部
LauterLügen 5


AffaireBlum 1


路德维希二世:一位君主的潮起潮落 6


  故事发生在19世纪下半叶的德国,彼时的德意志正面临着统一的命运。路德维希二世(奥托·威廉·费舍尔 O.W. Fischer 饰)是统治南德意志邦国巴伐利亚的君主,和其他野心勃勃的国王不同,路德维希二世是一位彻头彻尾的浪漫主义者,他对玩弄政治权谋深恶痛绝,幻想着通过文化和艺术来统治国家。他相信,唯一能够给国民们带来幸福的,从来都不是战争和侵略,而是美与和平。
  怀揣着这样天真的幻想,路德维希二世的仕途当然屡遭挫折,他心爱的茜茜公主(玛丽安妮·柯奇 Marianne Koch 饰)也最终成为了奥地利的新娘。在痛失爱侣之后,路德维希二世不顾幕僚的反对,一头扎进了对于童话城堡的建造之中。

古堡惊魂 7


  In the castle Vogeloed, a few aristocrats are awaiting baroness Saffersttt. But first count Oetsch invites himself.. Everyone thinks he murdered his brother, baroness Safferstat's first husband, three years ago. So he is rather undesirable. But Oetsch stays; arguing he is not the murderer and will find the real one...

ZuTodegehetzt 1


  When architect Ernstein falls for secretary Paula, his wife makes sure, that she is fired and evicted from her apartment. When she finds herself pregnant, Ernstein offers her money, but she chooses *******.