"保罗·赫伯特" 共找到影视: 6 部
在风的影子中 3


圣诞节回家 3


  DJ and Rodney don't like each other from the start. Rodney thinks DJ is an ignorant white farm boy, and DJ thinks Rodney acts too smart for his own good. After a school bus scuffle between the two, DJ's father and Rodney's grandmother come up with a clever solution that brings the boys closer than either of them would like. Living in Canaan, Texas in the 1960's does not make it...

告解室 2


  父親過世,皮耶返家奔喪,心裡掛念著失去聯絡,由父母收養的哥哥馬克。過著雙性戀混亂生活的馬克欲查身世之謎,皮耶決心幫助哥哥完成心願。影片另一時空是 1952年希區考克到魁北克借教堂場景拍攝電影《懺情恨》,兩部片中的神父都捲入了神祕的不可告人事件,當年的醜聞似乎是馬克尋找血緣的關鍵。在劇場界富盛名的勒帕吉,初執導筒即一鳴驚人,將性向與倫常的禁忌和權力關係巧妙搬演,賦予原片名「告解室」不同詮釋的可能。
  Pierre (Lothaire Bluteau) has returned to Quebec after three years in China to attend the funeral of his father. He encounters his adopted brother Marc (Patrick Goyette), and to...

穆谢特 1


  • 已完结
  • 1967  

  14岁的少女穆谢特(Nadine Nortier 饰)生活在法国的乡间,她的童年暗淡无味,充满艰辛。父亲(Paul Hebert 饰)是一个贩卖私酒的贪杯酒鬼,对家务不管不顾;母亲(Marie Cardinal 饰)病入膏肓,终日躺在床上等待死神的莅临;尚在襁褓中的弟弟整天哭闹不止,令人心烦气躁。家庭的磨难让这个小女孩过早成熟,她打工赚来的钱被父亲抢走,还经常遭到殴打。她在学校受到同学的嘲笑和欺负,倔强的穆谢特只能通过在放学时向同学丢土块宣泄心中的不满。原本应该充满快乐的花季童年,就这样过早地凋谢了……