"克里斯·坎宁安" 共找到影视: 9 部
ShadeofPale 1


AnalogDays 3


WarpVision 8


  • 最新更新
  • 2004  

  WarpVision: The Videos 1989-2004 is a DVD released by British record label Warp Records on September 27, 2004, which features most of the music videos produced for their artists in the 1989-2004 period. It is the first DVD collection coming from Warp Records, and the major part of the videos included are shown for the first time in a DVD format.
  Packaging and internal menus ar...

TheWorkofDirectorChrisCunningham 7


  Essential collection of music videos from one of the world's most exciting directors
  Music videos:
  Second Bad Vibel (Autechre),
  Come to Daddy (Aphex Twin),
  Only You (Portishead),
  Frozen (Madonna),
  Afrika Shox (Leftfield featuring Afrika Bambaataa),
  Come on My Selector (Squarepusher),
  Windowlicker (Aphex Twin),
  All Is Full of Love (Bjork)
  Making All Is...

RubberJohnny 4


  从9·11开始,Chris Cunningham 把自己绑到轮椅上,开拍这部video的第一个镜头,到去年发行DVD,整整4年,可怜的Chris就一直在跟着取自Aphex Twin 《Drukqs》专辑里的一曲“AFX237 V7”,一帧一帧地在死做。
  先前就很推崇Chris Cunningham的video,无论是同Aphex Twin、Squarepusher、Portishead、Bjork还是Madonna合作,他都酷爱解构人体,反正只要在他的video里出现,就没有全乎人了,不是机器人,就是怪胎。这部《Rubber Johnny》可算是颠峰之作,短短6分钟的video里,他自己亲自出镜,扮演一个被父亲关在地下室里的变种孩子Johnny。真是暗无天日啊,小怪胎只好自己大玩变形金刚的那套,把鼻子、眼睛、身子,来个乾坤大挪移。Aphex Twi...

Flex 9


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  • 类别:短片  
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我说你做 6


  同在一所大学念书的扎克(格莱格·赛普斯 Greg Cipes 饰)、凯特(马格·哈士曼 Margo Harshman 饰)、瑞夫(阿蒂·巴克斯特 Artie Baxter 饰)、维姬(凯瑞·芬克利 Carrie Finklea 饰)、艾丝莉(凯莉·维茨 Kelly Vitz 饰)相约前往某个山间的无人区度假,顺便淘淘金子大做发财梦。他们偶然迷路,在问路时听说了一个可怕的故事。据说曾经有一对15岁的双胞胎随同父母来到路人区玩耍,最终却引发恐怖的血腥谋杀。故事虽然可怕,但青年男女无所畏惧,执意前往无人区。

AphexTwin:CometoDaddy 4


  The video opens with an old woman walking a dog in a grimy, industrial setting. The dog urinates on an abandoned television lying on the pavement, causing it to sputter unexpectedly into life, and a distorted and warping headshot of Richard D. James chants the lyrics. This unleashes a spirit, accompanied by a gang of small children, all of whom bear James' grinning face and who...