"克里斯托弗·卡塞尔" 共找到影视: 8 部
地底大探险第二季 3


  • 已更新至8集
  • 2017  

  有些技术性,有些神秘性,有些科学性,这个节目是《世界有奇事》和《寻谜博物馆》的总和,而且都是关于地下生物的。主持人罗伯·尼尔森(Rob Nelson)将利用激光雷达、探地雷达和各种类型的3D成像技术,讲述这个国家最奇怪的地下生物的故事。从错综复杂(并被遗忘)的下水道、洞穴、化学实验室和暗物质探测器,到失落的文明,这些图像展示了所有隐蔽、藏匿和陌生的生物。 咪咕视频
  S2 E1 - Legend of the Nazi Gold
  S2 E2 - King Solomon's Treasures
  S2 E3 - Tesla's Final Secrets
  S2 E4 - Doomsday Volcano Mystery
  S2 E5 - Atlantis in America
  S2 E6 - Mystery of the Ice Cave
  S2 E7 -...

古代丑闻大曝光 7


埃及:建设帝国 2


  Twenty-five hundred years before the reign of Julius Caesar, the ancient Egyptians were deftly harnessing the power of engineering on an unprecedented scale. Egyptian temples, fortresses, pyramids and palaces forever redefined the limits of architectural possibility. They also served as a warning to all of Egypt's enemies-that the world's most advanced civilization could accomp...

罗马不是一天建成的 6


  Despite their personal short comings, many of the Roman Empires great engineering accomplishments were introduced during the reign of the Caesars. The tradition continued under Vespasian, builder of the Coliseum, Trajan, builder of the Forum, and Hadrian, builder and possibly the designer of the Pantheon. Finally, a decade later Caracalla built a bath complex/recreation center ...

教皇VS希特勒 7


  本片讲述二战史学界不常提及的一段历史,教皇庇护十二世(Pope Pius XII)和纳粹德国到底关系如何。教皇对犹太人大屠杀保持沉默,但是否参与了对希特勒的刺杀?国家地理频道出品。

ClashoftheCaveMen 7
