"克里斯蒂安·曲贝特" 共找到影视: 14 部
ArthursGesetzSeason1 9


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2018  

  Arthur is a total loser. He lost his right hand in an accident, he lost his job and his marriage is on the rocks. He plans to do away with his wife so he can collect her life insurance and make a new start with his lover. However, nothing goes to plan and Arthur's life descends ever further into chaos.

精装 5


白鹰镇暑假记 4


  It’s the summer of 1981, and the long school holiday is soon to begin. For the 11 year-old Jan, that leaves precious little time for last minute adventures with his best buddies Stevie and Basti before he must leave the countryside with his parents for the big city. There’s still time, though, to explore that mysterious old villa. Inside, their eyes widen with the discovery of ...

唐吉诃德-永不放弃! 10


  Entscheide dich, ob du ein guter Vater sein willst, oder ein guter Geschftsmann!“ – Sybille (Saskia Vester) macht Michael (Peter Lohmeyer) energisch klar, dass er sich um seinen Sohn kümmern soll. Denn der elfjhrige Moritz (Johann Hillmann) kommt in den Ferien nach Spanien, wo sein Va- ter arbeitet. Doch der versumt, Moritz am Flughafen abzuholen. Der Junge macht sich schli...

一切徒手 5


  German louts Stefan and Kai run a pizzeria, but it's mainly a front for their more lucrative self-grown ******** trade, allowing them to deliver at home. When the plants get sick, the dealers bring in pest control expert Achim, but that changes everything.

蒸面布鲁斯 9


  巴伐利亚本土侦探喜剧《蒸面布鲁斯》(2013) 揭开兰茨胡特田园风光掩盖下朴实面孔的居民的黑暗秘密,除塑造沉默寡言的反英雄式警察主角外,在方言环境下利用对单调随意的乡村生活的刻板印象和一系列古怪可爱的配角来制造黑色幽默。片中特写时常以独特的打光方式强调角色瞳孔的反光,以 表现其狂热痴迷。(小易甫字幕组)

大傻瓜 9



EchteMnner 1


青春篮球梦 1


无罪谋杀:科林尼案 10


  • 已完结
  • 2019  

  柯林尼(弗兰科·尼罗 Franco Nero 饰)是一位勤勤恳恳工作了几十年的老打工人,某一日,竟然向警方投案自首,声称自己杀害了一位名叫迈耶(曼弗莱德·扎帕卡 Manfred Zapatka 饰)的男子。莱恩(埃利亚斯·穆巴里克 Elyas M'Barek 饰)是负责替柯林尼辩护的律师,这是初出茅庐的他承接的第一个案子。
  实际上,迈耶是莱恩的老熟人了,曾经,莱恩受过前者的诸多照顾。与此同时,莱恩的对手理查德(海纳·劳特尔巴赫 Heiner Lauterbach 饰)是一位经验非常丰富的法庭老手。在寻找真相的过程中,柯林尼一直都保持着沉默,这让莱恩的工作根本就无处施展。然而,随着调查的推进,莱恩之间发现,自己要揭开,是笼罩在德国司法史上的一块巨大的黑幕。

一次呼吸 8


  Due to the financial crises in Greece, ELENA (27)decides to move to Frankfurt. She gets pregnant by her Greek boyfriend. In order to abort her child, she needs money which is why she takes a job as a Nanny at TESSAs (37) and JANs (38) place. Despite a few struggles with LOTTE (1 1/2)at first, Elena starts to enjoy the time with the little girl and make friends with Tessa. In a ...

前往并离开 4



四分之三的月亮 8


  Hartmut 是一个出租车司机。有一天,结婚30年的妻子突然提出离婚。震惊之后,他不得不开始新的生活。这位闷闷不乐的先生对世界充满偏见,拒绝一切陌生的事物。但是有一天,一个不会说德语的小女孩出现在他的出租车里,向他请求帮助。最后他决定,帮助这个六岁的小女孩找妈妈。后来他发现,或许被帮助的人不是小女孩,而是他自己……