"凯特·亨布尔" 共找到影视: 17 部
凯特·亨布尔的英伦海滨第二季 10


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2022  

  《暢遊海濱不列顛》(Kate Humble’s Coastal Britain)第二季讓觀眾追隨主持人凱特漢布爾(Kate Humble)腳步,走訪英國沿岸八個美麗且深具歷史價值的沿海風景,包括蘇格蘭的東西岸、北威爾斯兩條迥異而迷人的海岸線、肯特郡和薩塞克斯郡標誌性的沿岸、諾森伯蘭郡的秘境角落,以及懷特島西南端美麗的冬日路徑,並拜訪當地工作及居住的人們,發掘這些迷人海濱的歷史、地理與自然故事。
  Production companies: Curve Media, Channel 5 Television

与凯特·亨布尔一起回到土地第一季 9


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2017  

动物公园 1


  • 已更新至71集
  • 2000  

  Presenters Ben Fogle and Kate Humble show the daily life in the Longleat Safari Park and the challenges its staff faces every day while caring for the animals.

野生的东西 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2015  

  Contestants have to guide their team partner who are blind as they are dressed in a fursuit resembling a wildlife animal through various challenges to win a cash prize.

香料之路 9


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2011  


乳香之路 8


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2009  

  Series in which intrepid presenter Kate Humble follows the ancient frankincense trade route of Arabia across the amazing modern world of the Middle East. Kate's journey along the 2,000-mile trail that first connected the Arab world with the West takes her on a quest that's steeped in history, searing with desert heat, and full of characters and adventure.
  For 3,000 years before...

凯特·亨布尔的英伦海滨 6


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2021  

  Join Kate as she explores some of Britain's beautiful coastal destinations on foot. As the naturalist walks the coastal paths she visits places of interest along the way and meets some of the people who live and work there.

北极直播 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2016  

  This winter, BBC Two will broadcast Arctic Live, a brand new three-part series exploring the planet’s last undiscovered wilderness. From the edge of the Canadian Arctic, Kate Humble, Simon Reeve and Gordon Buchanan will be live on the shores of Hudson Bay to discover what life is really like on top of the world.
  They will also follow the remarkable journey of hundreds of polar ...

中国新年:全球最大庆典 6


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2016  


汽车制造 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2015  

  James May, Kate Humble and Ant Anstead are back broadcasting live from one of the biggest and busiest car factories in Britain.
  James makes friends with an army of diligent robots and busts the myth that British manufacturing is dead. Kate heads to Norway to discover why the electric car is King of the Norwegian road and Ant explores the history and heritage of one of the most ...

机场幕后纪实 10


  • 已更新至4期
  • 2013  

  Live series revealing the untold story of how Heathrow Airport is run.

澳洲野火 4


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2014  

  At the height of the worst wildfire season in a decade, Kate Humble and Simon Reeve visit Australia to meet the Rural Firefighting Service who tackle as many as 100 fires a day.

狗狗的奇妙世界第一季 2


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2013  

  BBC 在英国牛津郡的布莱特韦尔小镇,镇上所有的狗狗们正在参加一场盛会。通过别开生面的竞赛与测验,主持人与专家们试图揭开这些人类忠实伙伴的秘密。而历史学家古德曼则会奔赴各地,探寻一些备受人们喜爱的犬种背后鲜为人知的历史与故事。

寰宇轨迹 7


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2012  

  现在,我们以每小时6万4千英哩的速度绕太阳运行;第二年,地球在运行了5亿8千4百万英哩后回到了航程开始的起点。在此片中,纪录片制作者凯特汉伯和海伦乔斯基跟随地球进行了一次完整的绕日航行,见证了这次奇异旅程带给地球的奇妙变化。从更替的四季到破坏性的气候现象,他们绕太阳环行感受由航行带来的极 致体验;他们也试图向世人解释在时间的长河中,地球轨道如何发生着变化,以及这些微妙的变化给地球带来了决定性的影响。 此纪录片首次展示了地球绕日环行的全过程,从大胆的空间想象到近在眼前的飓风,皆向观众展示了地球绕日旅行的史诗性历程。