"加林·努格罗" 共找到影视: 25 部
亚齐肖像 7


  SERAMBI, un film documentaire, une histoire de gens simples á Aceh au lendemain du Tsunami. Il s’agit de la peinture d’hommes aux prises avec le lendemain malgré les souvenirs pésants, amities naissent, du pas.
  SERAMBI, c’est un film constamment inondé de chaleur humaine; de nouvelles amitiés naissent, de nouvelles besognes et de nouveaux horizons, le combat avec la vie et la v...

枕上叶 2


峇里生之舞 9


  The drama is described by the lives of three women, a traveler seeking spiritual answer about her relation to her mother played by Marcella Zalianty, a radio broadcaster who faced a dilemma of abortion played by Ayu Laksmi, and an orphan who lose direction of live and trying to find guidance played by Nadia Saphira. All of them in one way are connected to motherhood, either lon...

月亮在跳舞 2


  Literally translated, the title means “The Moon Pierced by Wild Grass,” and the film tells the story of the relationship between an aged traditional song teacher named Waluyo, his folk music disciple Ilalang (who has to cope with memories of his abusive father) and the lovely dancer Bulan, who Ilalang has loved for a long time. The feature is set in Solo, where the vestiges of ...

爪哇安魂曲 3


  加林努格罗(Garin Nugroho)

蓝带之歌 6


Kancil'sTaleofFreedom 6


神殿爵士乐 2


Gerbongsatu,dua 7


Badrun&Loundri 6


  A civil servant taking shelter from the rain in front of a laundry shop. Then, he was given a bag of laundry clothes which he thought belonged to the laundry shop clerk. Unexpectedly, he took the bag containing lots of clothes and ran away and sparked a commotion in the surrounding community.

Melodrama 6


  Screen, a popular film star who is bored with his career and wants to make a musical theater set in a family history that is always related to Indonesian film history. The screen is in the process of creating works, making it imaginable in the form of various characters, from great-grandfathers, grandfathers, to fathers. The entire story is told through diary-based narratives, ...

Rembulandiujungdahan 5


Airdanromi 5
