"卡梅伦·克罗" 共找到影视: 21 部
好莱坞百年百句经典电影台词 4


  The American Film Institute reviews some of the most memorable, evocative and influential dialogue in motion picture history.

纪录进行时第一季 9


  • 已更新至7集
  • 2015  

最佳祈愿,最暖祝福:告别《富家穷路》 10


  今年黄金时段艾美奖大赢家《富家穷路》第六季(最终季)确定将提前登陆Netflix,本季收官之作还包括纪念纪录片《最佳祈愿,最暖祝福》(Best Wishes,Warmest Regards,暂译》。

琳达·朗斯塔特:我的声音 5


  With one of the most memorably stunning voices that has ever hit the airwaves, Linda Ronstadt burst onto the 1960s folk rock music scene in her early twenties.

男孩豪迪:克里姆杂志的故事 6


  Capturing the messy upheaval of the '70s just as rock was re-inventing itself, the film explores CREEM Magazine's humble beginnings in post-riot Detroit, follows its upward trajectory from underground paper to national powerhouse - spotlighting iconic features, interviews, and anecdotes along the way - then bears witness to its imminent demise following the tragic and untimely ...

滚石杂志:来自边缘的故事 3


  A look at 50 years of the iconic magazine features interviews with and footage of journalists, photographers and performers who have graced its pages since it was launched by publisher Jann Wenner in 1967. In 2 parts.

幽灵蓝调:罗里.加拉格尔的故事 3


  Directed by Ian Thuillier this film is a portrait of the late lamented musician Rory Gallagher, it investigates the timeless qualities of the 'gentleman', his music and the unique approach of this authentic guitar hero. His contribution to rock music has had a significant impact on both musicians and music fans around the world, despite his untimely death at the age of 47. The ...

香草的天空 2


  • 已完结
  • 2001  

  大卫·阿姆斯(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)可以称为上帝的完美杰作:他家境优渥、事业有成、仪表堂堂、风度翩翩,无数性感迷人的女性都为其柔情蜜语所倾倒。而大卫自是不愿浪费这天赐的条件,他四处出击,以猎艳为乐,甚至连好友的女朋友索菲娅(佩内洛普·克鲁兹 Penélope Cruz 饰)都不放过。不过,大卫终要为自己的花心付出代价,在和前女友茱丽(卡梅伦·迪雅兹 Cameron Diaz 饰)乘车出行之时,茱丽开车撞向大树,企图与之同归于尽。这场车祸使大卫的人生跌入谷底,而更为诡异的却仍在前面等待着他……
  本片荣获2002年美国科幻恐怖电影学院最佳男主角奖(汤姆·克鲁斯)、2001年波士顿影评人协会最佳女配角奖(Cameron Diaz)、2002年芝加哥影评人协会最佳女配角奖。

OnlyinTheaters 6


  There's been a Laemmle in the movie business, since there's been a movie business. Only in Theaters chronicles 4 generations, dedicated to the art of film. This is a story about a family business, but also about the future of cinema.

JoniMitchellBiopic 6


  Now, if you’re wondering what Crowe has been up to for the last several years, you’re not alone. The Oscar-winning filmmaker has been laying low ever since Showtime canceled his 2016 series Roadies after one season, but sources say he’s finally readying a return behind the camera, as Above the Line has exclusively learned that Crowe is set to write and direct a movie about Joni...

我家买了动物园 3


  • 电影解说
  • 2011  

  作家本杰明·密(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)生性喜爱冒险,然而半年前的丧妻之痛令他至今无法释怀,儿子迪伦和小女儿洛希同样不能适应失去母亲的生活,迪伦因偷窃和阴暗的美术创作导致被学校开除,本杰明没有听从哥哥邓肯的建议,拒绝从新的爱情中获取乐观心态,也放弃了专栏写 作,筹划和儿女换到全新的环境继续生活。而本杰明的新家居然是一座荒废的动物园!因为看到了洛希和动物的友好接触,本杰明决定接收这座还收留着众多动物的野生动物园,并带领管理人凯莉(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)率领的留守团队重新修葺动物园,希望在夏季开放之前,迎来动物园的再度营业和自己家庭的新生……

阿罗哈 5


  • 已完结
  • 2015  

  布莱恩(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)是一名军火承包商,年纪轻轻的他便在行业内闯出了一片属于自己的天地,攀登上了事业的最高峰。某日,他被上司派往夏威夷火奴鲁鲁军事基地,那里正在进行一项间谍卫星的开发和研制,需要布莱恩的监督,布莱恩兴致勃勃的踏上了旅途。
  让布莱恩没有想到的是,在目的地,等待着他要和他一同共事,是一位名叫艾莉森(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)的女飞行员,艾莉森冷若冰霜而又不苟言笑,着实是一个严肃而又无趣的女人,这令布莱恩感到十分郁闷,与此同时,布莱恩对前女友崔西(瑞秋·麦克亚当斯 Rachel McAdams 饰)依然抱有着不切实际的幻想,他联系到了崔西,企图和她破镜重圆。

伊丽莎白镇 3


  • 已完结
  • 2005  

  德鲁(奥兰多·布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom饰)陷入了人生的谷底期,他为公司带来了数亿元的损失,逃不过被老板炒鱿、被女友甩掉的命运。万念俱灰中,他设计了一系列完美却又搞笑的自杀计划,企图一死了之。一串电话铃声,中止了他的自杀进程——父亲的死讯给德鲁带来了迫在眉睫的任务,他必须尽快回到遥远的伊丽莎白镇去处理后事。
  于是,接下来的事情就像一连串奇妙的隐喻,让德鲁从谷底里重新看到希望。他在飞机上遇见空姐克莱尔(克尔斯滕·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst饰),她美丽大方,善解人意,总是在德鲁最寂寞低落的时候给予窝心的慰藉。而德鲁的母亲,虽然总是神经兮兮,对生活的热忱和乐观却深深感染了儿子。在爱情和亲情的温泽下,德鲁渐渐重拾生活的信心日渐坚壮,带他走出生命低谷。