"奥克·弗里德尔" 共找到影视: 8 部
Kameleonterna 4


  An entrepreneur's artistic wife is attracted to women. One of her nude models is trying to blackmail him. She is killed by a butcher. A film maker witness the deed. He is producing a film called "Kameleonterna" (The Chameleons).

BombiBittochjag 3


开往印度之船 2


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  • 1947  

  Sailor Johannes Blom returns to his home port, after seven years at sea, to find that Sally, the girl he has been thinking of while away, is completely despondent. Seven years earlier, obstreperous Alexander Blom, brings his mistress Sally to live with him, his wife Alice, son Johannes, and crew, aboard the salvage boat he captains. Amidst all the tensions on the small boat, Jo...

带雨伞的男人 5


  Maggi meets David after having missed her train, and they spend the night together. Penniless, the young lovers break into a summer cottage. The owner, Hkansson, offers to rent it to them, but he has an ulterior motive. By living together, they have to face their pasts and deal with the meddling neighbors and authorities. Written by Will Gilbert

小丑之夜 4


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  • 1953  

  艾伯特(ke Grnberg 饰)的全部身家性命都赌在了自己苦心经营的马戏团上面了,尽管生意日益惨淡,但他并没有产生放弃的念头,他决定用一场盛大的演出来振奋团里的士气。带着自己的情人安妮(哈里特·安德森 Harriet Andersson 饰),艾伯特来到了一个名叫舒伯格(甘纳尔·布耶恩施特兰德 Gunnar Bjrnstrand 饰)的男人处,希望能够向他借一些演出用的服装。
  艾伯特去看望分别已久的妻子阿格达(Annika Tretow 饰)和孩子们,并表示了想要留在家中安度晚年的愿望,没想到遭到了拒绝,不久之后,艾伯特又发现安妮和同事弗朗斯(哈塞·埃克曼 Hasse Ekman 饰)之间的私情。好在马戏团的演出获得了成功,生活即便残酷,但日子还是一天天的慢慢流走了。

第七封印 6


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  • 1957  

  海滩边,巨浪滔天,英武的骑士布洛克(马克斯冯西多 Max von Sydow 饰)与黑衣死神(本特埃切罗特 Bengt Ekerot 饰)摆下了一盘生死棋局。在下棋的过程中,骑士在回顾自己的人生,所见所闻暗合圣经的图景。十四世纪十字军东征后期,欧洲大陆瘟疫蔓延,民不聊生。布洛克曾遇到过马戏团的一对夫妻,丈夫笃信神明,无比虔诚,妻子则更加现实,唯命是从。他们的相濡以沫让幸福唾手可得。骑士在树林中邂逅了铁匠夫妇。铁匠非常粗鲁,他的妻子很是风骚,他们在树林里对着路人演出双簧,仿佛一对可笑的傀儡。最后,在经历过集体膜拜的祭奠仪式后,武士和他的朋友们再次遇到了死神,曾经的无助与恐惧,愤怒与怀疑,都化作了人生的诘问……

野草莓 6


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  • 1957  

  伊萨克(维克多·斯约斯特洛姆 Victor Sjstrm饰)从医50年,现年已是将近八十岁的高龄,正准备在儿媳的陪伴下返回母校接受荣誉学位颁发。路上伊萨克顺道重游旧地,追忆往事。
  伊萨克曾经和堂妹萨拉(毕比·安德森 Bibi Andersson饰)有过美好的初恋,却因性格冷酷孤僻,以致他的兄弟乘虚而入。如今伊萨克坐在草坪上,忆起往昔,眼前浮现萨拉白衣飘飘的美丽模样。