"奥顿·巴斯托斯" 共找到影视: 13 部
CaraeCoragem 4


  • 最新更新
  • 2022  

  Clarice Gusmo é diretora da Siderúrgica Gusmo, sendo a maior incentivadora de seu departamento de pesquisa, comandado por Jonathan Azevedo, que desenvolveu uma revolucionária fórmula secreta à base de magnésio. Mas o controle da empresa é cobiado por Leonardo, irmo de Clarice, sua amante Regina, e pelo empresário Danilo.
  Clarice contrata os dublês Pat e Moa para encontrarem...

狱卒第二季 10


  • 已更新至14集
  • 2019  

OPaciente:OCasoTancredoNeves 4


  The mystery surrounding Tancredo Neves's death are revealed 30 years after his death. 'O Paciente' transports us to the last days of the recently elected president and relives the anguish, fear and anxiousness of the politician about his destiny as president and the future of the country. Based on the book with his namesake by the historian Luis Mir, the film reveals the behind...

前世缘今生续 10


  • 已更新至161集
  • 2015  

  First phase: Campobello
  The first phase happens in the 19 century and portrays the history of an improbable love but so strong, that neither death nor time is capable to shake. Lívia and Felipe are of distinct social classes: She is a humble, obliged young lady that lives in the city's convent while Felipe is a noble Earl, nephew-grandson of the powerful Countess Vitória. He is...

我是古巴,西伯利亚猛犸 8


  This film examines the creation and exhibition of the propaganda film I Am Cuba, a Soviet/Cuban collaboration unknown in the West until the 1990s.

飞扬的生命 5


Desejo 6


  • 最新更新
  • 1990  

  In the beginning of the 20th Century, Ana, Brazilian writer Euclides da Cunha's wife, meets Dilermando de Assis, a much younger officer, and they fall in love. A tragedy ensues.

GlauberRocha-Morto/Vivo 1


  A TV documentary that covered the funeral of Cinema Novo film director Glauber Rocha, showing the commotion of attendees, paying their last tributes to the genial filmmaker. Also presented here are interviews with the director and clips from his works.

圣贝尔纳尔多 1


  改编自巴西批判现实主义小说家拉莫斯的名著,由新浪潮导演Leon Hirszman执导,是70年代巴西新电影运动中最激进的作品之一,但无疑也是一部难得的杰作。影片获柏林电影节新电影论坛国际奖及多项巴西国家电影奖。Hirszman拍完此片后被迫流亡智利。
  The most provocative Novo film of the 1970s, So Bernardo (1972), directed by Leon Hirszman (who died of AIDS at 49, in 1987), is based on a novel by Graciliano Ramos, author of Barren Lives, and was released at a time when Brazilian porno films were beg...

安托尼奥之死 2


  Antonio of the Death is a "cangaceiros" killer. Cangaceiro is the local name for a popular leader. Antonio is hired to kill the one who seems to be the last one in the Pirahna's Valley. This man is being followed by a strange woman who is considered a Saint. Once Antonio has killed the Cangaceiro, he changes his way of thinking when listening to the Saint's words.

黑上帝白魔鬼 10


  • 已完结
  • 1964  


中央车站 5


  里约热内卢的中央车站,朵拉(费尔南达-蒙特内格罗Fernanda Montenegro饰)在这里帮人写信。但她会把看不顺眼的信统统撕掉不寄,甚至公开读信里的内容取乐。朵拉生活拮据,年纪不小却还未嫁,或许在她内心,人与人之间的真情根本就不值得信赖。
  小男孩约书亚(文尼西斯狄奥利维拉Vinícius de Oliveira 饰)的出现令她开始了一段重新认识人生的旅程——约书亚很想见到远方素未谋面的父亲,不断写信给他。男孩母亲意外的车祸让朵拉决定陪伴约书亚前往东北部寻找父亲。在约书亚眼中,即使父亲很陌生,却总是骄傲地谈起父亲。而朵拉,也同样有着一段和父亲的痛苦往事。在约书亚寻父的过程中,朵拉因为往事而冰冻的内心慢慢回暖。