"安妮·惠勒" 共找到影视: 11 部
牛仔不哭 3


俘虏仁医 7


小小安妮第三季 9


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2019  

  《小小安妮》的灵感来自于由露西·莫德·蒙哥马利创作的加拿大经典小说《绿山墙的安妮》,第二季将继续大胆开拓新领域,增加了新角色和故事情节,并将透过坚强、天真、天马行空的 14 岁主人公进一步探索身份、偏见、女权主义、欺凌、性别平等和赋权等话题。《小小安妮》是一个成长题材故事,由创剧人莫伊拉·沃利-贝克特重新诠释,并且粉丝们喜爱的艾米贝丝·麦克纳尔蒂(饰演安妮·雪利-卡斯伯特)、杰拉丁妮·詹姆斯(饰演玛丽拉·卡斯伯特)、罗伯特·H·托马斯(饰演马修·卡斯伯特)、科里恩·科斯洛(饰演雷切尔·林德)、达莉拉·贝拉(饰演戴安娜·巴里)、艾默里克·杰特·蒙塔兹(饰演杰瑞·贝纳德)、卢卡斯·祖曼(饰演基尔伯特·布莱斯)和凯拉·马修斯(饰演鲁比·吉里斯)回归担纲主演。观众还会在这一季中看到全新的面孔,包括达尔默·阿泽德(饰演塞巴斯蒂安·拉克鲁瓦)和科里·格鲁特-安德...

罗密欧间谍第一季 6


  • 已更新至10集
  • 2015  

  Follows spymaster Professor Wolfgang McGee, an academic who secretly manages a roster of espionage assets. These assets, referred to as Romeo or Juliet spies, are informants engaged in intimate long or short term relations with state intelligence targets. Wolfgang is a semi-retired Romeo operator, having worked his way up from youth in an unnamed and officially deniable "servic...

Chi 10


致胜一击 3


  • 已完结
  • 2011  

  Dan Barnes是前职业拳击手,因为对于暴力的厌倦而退休。现在,他是学校看门人,并帮助学校一个总被欺负的学生。

AngelSquare 3


乡村婚礼 7


  A country music star who's about to get married to an actress returns home to sell the house he grew up in. He reconnects with an old friend he proposed to when they were just kids. Soon, some old feelings between them begin to resurface.

雨的颜色 1


  After cancer claims Matt Kell's life on Christmas Day 2005, his widow, Gina and two young boys are left to cope with the pain of his loss while their close church community gathers around them for support. Wanting to be close to her kids, Gina starts to volunteer at their elementary school and meets the Spehn children, Jack, Danny and Charlotte. In a gut-wrenching coincidence, ...

不再悲歌的日子 4
