"安娜·赫尔曼" 共找到影视: 6 部
FürmeineTochter 2


千禧一代 6


呼吸的空气 3


  改编自德国演员Miriam Maertens的自传<Verschieben wir es auf morgen> (让我们把它推迟到明日),讲述了她为有尊严和自决的生活与病魔抗争的故事。

布莱希特 4


  Bertolt Brecht, a theatre revolutionary, poet of the state, outsider, looks back on his life in 1956, the year of his death, in East Berlin: from provocations in the Augsburg of the First World War, to the early poetic and amorous height flights in Munich and Berlin in the 1920s, his escape from Hitler and US exile, followed by his later years caught in a dilemma between timele...

爱情陷阱 7


  Arie is behind on the rent and has writer’s block – and the book he hasn’t yet written has to be finished in two months. Then he finds inspiration at the tram stop of his life, in the form of the redheaded tram driver Sonja. When her route is abolished, the infatuated Arie does everything he can to get in touch with his muse.
  ‘No Sonja, no book; no book, no writer; no writer, n...