"安德里亚斯·德里森" 共找到影视: 25 部
基民盟的维希曼先生 6


  Documentary about a conservative candidate who runs for German parliament. But this electoral district has been in the hands of the social democrats ever since. So, how will he deal with that

每个人都必须做的 4


老鼠在夜里睡觉 7


  A young boy sleeps, stick in hand, in the rubble of a house bombed during World War II. An old man finds him, but the boy won't leave. "I have to keep watch," the boy says.

结果:二十五岁的彼得 6


  A man who's pulling depressing shifts decides to take a lower-paying, but more satisfying job.

通往远方的列车 2


这么快就能到伊斯坦布尔 6


  The film tells the story of a Turk and his clever life planning shortly after the German reunification. After the fall of the Berlin wall, he wants to return to his home country but does not have enough money to do so. Soon, he develops the idea to work in the Western part where the wages are higher, and to live in the Eastern part where the housing and living costs are much lo...

交换肌肤 5


  Inspired by West German terrorists, two pupils hijack a teacher in the GDR.

沉寂的国家 5


  L'automne 1989, quelque part dans le nord de l'Allemagne de l'Est, une troupe d'acteurs répète la pièce de théatre En attendant Godot, alors qu'à Berlin se prépare la chute du Mur.

威廉布鲁克 10



第64届戛纳国际电影节颁奖典礼 9


  • 最新更新
  • 2011  

  第64届戛纳国际电影节于2011年5月11日至22日举行。美国著名演员制片人罗伯特·德尼罗担任长片评委主席。伍迪·艾伦的电影《午夜巴黎》为电影节开幕影片。 本届电影节泰伦斯·马力克 执导的影片《生命之树》摘得金棕榈大奖,达内兄弟的《单车男孩》及努里·比格·锡兰执导的《安纳托利亚往事》获得评委会大奖。让·杜雅尔丹和克尔斯滕·邓斯特分别凭借《艺术家》和《忧郁症》获最佳男女主角奖。

威士忌与伏特加 8


  A renowned actor named Otto is the epitome of the problematic but beloved ladies man. Even when drunk he still knows more about filmmaking than does the amateur who is directing him in his latest movie. But what should the unreliable star do when a local actor joins the crew as his understudy Comic situations arise not only because of the well-known environment, but also from ...

濒临边缘的人 8


  弗兰克(米兰·佩斯彻尔 Milan Peschel饰)和西蒙(斯黛菲·库恩特 Steffi Kühnert饰)本是一对幸福的夫妇,他们拥有稳定的工作、新买的房子,还有一双儿女。然而一个突如其来的消息不仅让弗兰克震惊,更让整个家庭都瞬间坍塌——弗兰克被诊断出脑部长了一颗不能动手术的肿瘤。即将面对死亡的他,在尽力克服着药物治疗和化学治疗带来的副作用。弗兰克所剩时日不多,他开始用手机每天记录下这生命的最后时刻。

女警 3
