"小克莱伯·门多萨" 共找到影视: 21 部
垃圾广告大赏 8


  A mixture of documentary and compilation, this work is the fruit of lengthy archive research which aimed to find the most absurd TV commercials from Pernambuco. Memorable tapes from the 80s and 90s, characterised by a stylised vulgarity and sometimes naive communication. This film became a champion of pirated copies in the video stores in the country and abroad, even on VHS .

影像之屋 10


舍间足球 10


  A not very good little digital still camera, our little neighbours and a football. Home movie.

棉花女孩 3


  An homage to childhood nightmares. 'The Little Cotton Girl' was a dead little girl, her nostrils stuffed with cotton, who haunted school toilets in 1970s Recife.
  Directed by Daniel Bandeira and Kleber Mendona Filho. I met Daniel at this Final Cut workshop which was held at the very school we shot the film at.

周五晚上周六晨 9


  Man meets woman.
  "She once told me 'never talk about love in public places', and it's so fucking sad"

幽灵肖像 7


  Downtown Recife’s classic movie palaces from the 20th century are mostly gone. That city area is now an archaeological site of sorts that reveals aspects of life in society which have been lost. And that’s just part of the story.

999号房间 6


  In 1982, Wim Wenders asked 16 of his fellow directors to speak on the future of cinema, resulting in the film Room 666. Now, 40 years later, in Cannes, director Lubna Playoust asks Wim Wenders himself and a new generation of filmmakers (James Gray, Rebecca Zlotowski, Claire Denis, Olivier Assayas, Nadav Lapid, Asghar Farhadi, Alice Rohrwacher and more) the same question: “is ci...

电光魔法 3


  Who are these people and what are they doing
  Remains of raw materials from the documentary Critic (2008), and the fruit of Kléber Mendona Filho's exposure to international film festivals, the director says he likes the face of a hunter / sniper in ordinary people.

世界杯赛在累西腓 7


  Recife, the hometown of football legend Rivaldo, is overrun by the 2014 World Cup, but also faces enormous social problems. This documentary provides a fascinating insight into the events...

绿色唱片 9


  Mother gives Daughter a box full of old, colored little vinyl records. Daughter may listen to them, but she should never, ever, play the green one.

家用电器 6


  Middle-class family living in a house filled with superfluous electronic appliances see the arrival of a new item, a 29" TV-Set.

累西腓的陨石 5


  A meteorite falls in the city of Recife, changing its natural climate and turning it cold. This fake documentary examines the ways this affects the city.

第74届戛纳国际电影节颁奖典礼 8


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  • 2021  


第70届柏林国际电影节颁奖典礼 5


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  • 2020  

  当地时间周六,第70届柏林电影节落下帷幕,最佳影片金熊奖颁给了伊朗导演穆哈默德·拉素罗夫执导的《无邪》。领奖台上,制片人Farzad Pak透露:导演穆罕默德·拉索罗夫被禁止离开伊朗,无法亲自领取金熊奖,“感谢为该片遭受生命威胁的我们的演员和剧组成员们。”导演的女儿、同时也是该片演员的Baran Rasoulof代父亲领奖。