"尼克·布鲁姆菲尔德" 共找到影视: 18 部
Harumi 8


  In the hills of Los Angeles the reclusive, stylish and enigmatic 96-year-old Harumi Taniguchi spent decades painting, writing poetry and dancing in her home designed by architect Richard Neutra.

TooWhiteforMe 5


MonsterinaBox 7


  Gray can make the English language jump through hoops like none other. He recounts a number of events, tied together by his writing of a manuscript (the "Monster" of the title), some sad, some uproariously funny, all in his characteristic, sarcastic manner. If you liked "Swimming to Cambodia" you will love this one. I actually thought this was a bit more interesting and better ...

TheStonesandBrianJones 7


  The Stones & Brian Jones Nick Broomfield reveals the true story and legacy of Brian Jones, the founder and creative genius of the Rolling Stones.
  Nick Broomfield, at the age of 14, met Brian Jones by chance on a train. “He was sitting all alone in a first-class compartment. I knocked on the door and, with a certain recklessness, introduced myself’. Brian was at the height of hi...

最后一人:修格·奈特与说唱烈士之死 7


  本部影片一窥著名的死囚唱片(Death Row Records)以及街头帮派文化是如何主导这家公司运作的,以及其与腐败的,同样和帮派有染的洛杉矶警局之间的关系。而正是帮派斗争和腐败的警察导致了被后世认为是嘻哈历史上两位最伟大的说唱歌手:Biggie和Tupac的死亡。

惠特尼:可以做我自己吗 1



残酷睡客的故事 8


  In 2010, the Los Angeles police arrested Lonnie Franklin, a middle-aged
  African American, for the murder of ten women over the course of 25 years.
  Few were aware of the serial killings (Franklin may have killed many more),
  and his neighbors in South Central described him as a decent guy who
  worked hard and resisted drug gangs. Director and on-screen interviewer
  Nick Broomfield ...

性:我的英国工作 6


  根据惯例,按摩院老板不断要求她part time接客,遭到拒绝后先是晓之以理情理,后来变为言语虐待和各种压榨,逼得白晓红最后请导演Nick Broomfield假扮嫖客进来。
  白晓红今年4月出版的第3本英文著作《隐形:海外性工作者在英国 》(Invisible: Britain's Migrant Sex Workers)中包括这部纪录片中的内容。书更加详尽、具体,而且还有约三分之一的内容讲述在英国的东欧妓女的生活,不像纪录片,仅有一点点东欧妓女的内容。
  BBC英伦网关于《隐形:海外性工作者在英国 》(Invisible: Brita...

科特和考特妮 3


  ),《科特和考特妮》综合了录像脚本,谈话片段和未曾公开的照片,为观众展现出一个惊人丑恶的情景。 科特库本,垃圾摇滚乐队涅磐( Nirvana )的灵魂,滚石杂志评选的十年之风云艺人,出生在华盛顿州的阿伯丁,这是一个体力劳动工人的聚居地。影片制作人就是在这里开头,采访了其亲戚朋友熟人,他们对自杀一事各持看法,见解不同。 受采访的人包括曾送给科特音响器材的玛丽姑妈(她最早支持科特搞摇滚乐);曾收留科特、提供一年食宿的中学老师;曾共度三年的前女友翠茜米兰达( Tracy Miranda );买枪送他的朋友迪伦卡尔森( Dylan Carlson) ;受雇其妻考特妮的私人侦探汤姆格兰特( Tom Grant )(汤姆格兰特现在认为考特妮对科特的死有不可开脱的责任);以及考特妮的父亲汉克哈里森( Hank Harrison )(汉克哈里森曾说他最了解女儿脑袋里...

ATimeComes 8


ProudtoBeBritish 1


  Racist, patriotic, and imperialistic, the subjects of Broomfield’s second film - in which citizens from across the class spectrum are asked for their views about being British and Britain in general - manage to hang themselves, without the need of any commentary, with their own arrogant, complacent views.
  Gathering numerous face-to-face interviews with residents of the conserva...

TheCatastrophist 4


  Set in the Belgian Congo in the 1960s, the relationship between novelist and a journalist begins to fray as the nation moves toward decolonization.

BehindTheRentStrike 9


  Nick Broomfield’s graduation film at the National Film and Television School, Behind the Rent Strike, is ostensively a socialist documentary about the plight of the working class in 1970’s Britain. Planned as a rebuke to the ruling class ideology described in his sophomore effort, Proud To Be British, this film is a damning indictment of attempts to re-house industrial workers....

MyFatherandMe 8


  For decades, foremost documentarian Nick Broomfield (Kurt & Courtney) has often implicated himself in his filmmaking with honesty and candor. Yet never has he made a movie more distinctly personal than this complex, moving film about his relationship with his father Maurice, an accomplished photographer of industrial post-WWII England. Both memoir and tribute, My Father and Me ...