"巴尼·萨默" 共找到影视: 8 部
NewOrder:LiveatAlexandraPalace 6


  • 最新更新
  • 2021  

  The band's only UK gig of 2018, where they delighted fans with over two hours of classics, hits from their album Music Complete and Joy Division covers.

JoyDivision:LoveWillTearUsApart 2


NewOrder:Decades 10


  Part concert, part documentary, this film follows a band that rarely looks backward, yet for this project, they had to reflect on - and deconstruct - the band's history, in order to create something very new.

快乐分裂:审查之中 7


欢乐分裂 2


  • 已完结
  • 2007  

  Canada 7 September 2007 (Toronto Film Festival)
  UK 2 May 2008

NewOrderStory 1


  Track listing
  "Transmission" (Live September 1979)
  "Love Will Tear Us Apart" (Video 1980)
  "Ceremony" (Live June 1981)
  "Temptation" (Live April 1982)
  "Blue Monday" (Live March 1983)
  "Confusion" (Video 1983)
  "The Perfect Kiss" (Video)
  "Shellshock" (Video)
  "Bizarre Love Triangle" (Video)
  "True Faith" (Video)
  "Touched by the Hand of God" (Video)
  "Blue Monday '88" (Video)
  "Fine Time...

TheWorkofDirectorAntonCorbijn 2


  ★ MV導演系列為您再推薦今年度推出的四位享譽全球MV導演當中的第三位 ANTON CORBIJN。 Anton Corbijn堪稱近25年硐碜u全球之影像藝術大師,其作品不管是平面攝影、CD封面設計、或是其為 Metallica、Nirvana、The Killer ... 等眾多知名搖L樂團所拍攝的音樂錄影帶,都曾在世界各地受到極為崇高的高度評價。 而他與全球頂禮膜拜之蹱柼m搖L天團 U2 和英Synth-Pop流行神話樂團 Depeche Mode 的長期合作關係,更是讓全球樂迷們印象深刻,而 Anton 推出的 《U2 & I》 一書更是暢銷熱賣。 近日著手拍攝第一部個人執導,改編自英國後龐克搖L名團 Joy Division 靈魂人物 Ian Curtis遺孀 Deborah Curtis 的著作 “Touching From ...