"布拉德·利兰" 共找到影视: 17 部
德州疑云 6


TheBystanderTheory 3


胜利之光第三季 9


  • 已更新至13期
  • 2008  

  青春充满着无限的可能,年少的我们都为热血的体育着迷过,我们为自己喜爱的队伍呐喊,为耀眼的胜利而欢呼,为无奈的失败而流泪。我们长大了,但我们依然舍不掉那份存在心底为体育而跳动的心。本剧改编自同名热门电影《Friday Night Lights》,以德克萨斯州一个美丽的小镇Dillon为中心,这里深深着迷于全美橄榄球锦标赛,整个小镇的幸福就是橄榄球赛。Dillon最有冠军相 的高中橄榄球队拥有最棒的四分卫明星,和新上任的指导教练ricTaylor。整个球队肩负着小镇的希望,他们身上有压力,但更多的是乡亲们的希望,是一种不可言传的荣耀。关注《Friday Night Lights》,你就能重新找到年轻时为自己学校荣誉热血沸腾的心,你会看到大洋彼岸那使整个美国神魂颠倒动人心魄的运动——橄榄球。@m.yakubd.cc

最后生还者第一季 8


  • 已完结
  • 2023  

  该剧由HBO出品,改编自顽皮狗于2013年6月14日推出的PlayStation平台同名游戏。讲述了在现代文明被摧毁的二十年后,人类因现代传染病而面临绝种危机,幸存的人类为了生存自相残杀。中年男性走私犯乔尔(佩德罗·帕斯卡 饰)为了完成“火萤”组织首领玛琳(梅尔·丹德里奇 饰)的托付,带着14岁少女艾莉(贝拉·拉姆齐 饰)一同踏出由军队保护的疫情隔离区,穿越化为废墟丛林的大都会。面对病毒感染变种人类与其他幸存者集团威胁,展开了一场改变两人一生的深刻旅程。

TheSixthGun 4


生死迷局 8


  诡异的金融迷局,令俄罗斯联邦安全局(FSB)盯上了逡巡在摩纳哥的俄罗斯商人伊万·罗斯托夫斯基(蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Roth 饰)。在此之后,FSB探员莫瑞斯(让·杜雅尔丹 Jean Dujardin 饰)及其团队来到此地,他授意成员与在投资、贸易等领域见长的美国女人爱丽丝·雷德蒙德(西西·迪·法兰丝 Cécile De France 饰)取得联系,希望借助爱丽丝之手进入罗斯托夫斯基的圈子,以取得他洗钱等金融罪行的证据。觥筹交错,灯影缭乱,莫瑞斯远距离注视着爱丽丝和俄国人的交谈,心中却慢慢升起别样情感。

末世家园 9



血色狂怒 3


  Todd and Terry are twins. They are blonde, cute, bright and identical in every respect, with one exception. One of them is a murderer. This starts one night at a drive-in theater when a teenager was slaughtered in the back seat of his car while his girlfriend watched. Todd is found guilty for the...

LaRoy 10


  Ray Jepsen (John Magaro) is a humble co-owner of a hardware store who still can’t believe he managed to marry local beauty queen Stacy-Lynn. When his private investigator friend, Skip (Steve Zahn), reveals to Ray that Stacy-Lynn is having an affair, Ray decides to kill himself. He secures a gun and goes to a seedy motel parking lot to do the deed, but before he can pull the tri...

敌占领土 4


  In post-civil war America, when a Union soldier is presumed dead, his children are mistakenly sent away on the orphan train. This is a wild-west story of people uniting for the greater good, and children forced to grow up quickly.

最后的哨声 6


  When the all-star player of the local high school football team collapses during practice, all eyes turn to the storied head coach. Instead of mollifying the situation, the coach tries to maintain the team's winning streak. The town turns against him, leading to a lawsuit from the player's mother.

送赞雪橇犬 4


  • 已完结
  • 2019  

  In 1925's historic great race of mercy, a group of brave mushers travel 700 miles to save the small children of Nome, Alaska from a deadly epidemic.

为你写的歌 2


  The One I Wrote For You is an inspirational, family-oriented feature film set to release in 2014. The movie tells the heartwarming story of Ben Cantor, a talented, 30-something songwriter and musician who gets a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to finally hit it big when his precocious ten-year old daughter secretly enters him into a Reality TV show songwriting contest. Though bu...

深海浩劫 5


  • 已完结
  • 2016  

  麦克(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)是位于墨西哥湾的石油钻塔深水地平线号上的安全维修人员,在和妻子弗里西亚(凯特·哈德森 Kate Hudson 饰)告别之后,麦克将再度面对长达21天的连续作业。麦克的工作经验非常的丰富,在他任职期间,钻塔上没有发生过任何的生产事故,他因此深受上司和同事们的信赖。
  项目负责人唐纳德(约翰·马尔科维奇 John Malkovich 饰)希望能够加快开采的进程,但麦克表示这将带来很大的安全隐患。唐纳德并没有听取麦克的警告,而是一意孤行,导致钻塔中发声了剧烈的爆炸。霎时间,火海淹没了工人们,126名钻井工人被困在死亡的边缘线上。