"布拉德·派斯里" 共找到影视: 5 部
Walk,Don'tRun:TheStoryofTheVentures 8


  A documentary about the surf-rock band, rock and roll hall of famers, The Ventures.
  The Ventures are the biggest instrumental band in the world and this aims to be their first feature length, comprehensive documentary.
  The project was begun almost 10 years ago by Tacoma legends the Peterson brothers - Justin and Rob, when they linked up with another infamous brotherly Tacoma te...

第46届年度乡村音乐颁奖典礼 5


  • 最新更新
  • 2012  

  美国乡村音乐界最重要的颁奖礼之一,2012年度第46届CMA(乡村音乐协会奖)今天上午举行。Blake Shelton统治了今年的CMA,他获得年度艺人、年度歌曲、年度男歌手三项大奖。Blake的妻子Miranda Lambert也收获颇丰,她和老公分享了年度歌曲,又摘得年度女歌手。
  其他方面,乡村组合Little Big Town赢得了年度单曲和年度音乐组合两项大奖,村夫正太Hunter Hayes当选年度新人,而Eric Church则将年度专辑收入囊中。
  年度艺人: Blake Shelton
  年度歌曲: "Over You" – Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert
  年度单曲: "Pontoon" – Little Big Town
  年度专辑: "Chief" – Eric Church