"希德·卓别林" 共找到影视: 11 部
假扮姑婆 2


  Charley Wyckham and Jack Chesney pressure fellow student Fancourt Babberly to pose as Charley's Brazilian Aunt Donna Lucia. Their purpose is to have a chaperone for their amorous visits with Amy and Kitty, niece and ward of crusty Stephen Spettigue. Complications begin when Fancourt, in drag, becomes the love object of old Spettigue and Sir Francis Chesney.

古斯勒的灾难 3


古斯勒的休息日 10


  The disgraceful Reggie Gussle spends a day at the park with his hated wife while trying to steal a lovely girl from her boyfriend.

债券 3


  Charlie and friends illustrate various bonds in life and the most important, Liberty Bonds for the war...

卓别林短片精选 6


  Three Chaplin silent comedies "A Dog's Life", "Shoulder Arms", and "The Pilgrim" are strung together to form a single feature length film.

朝圣者 4


  逃犯(Charlies Chaplin)偷了牧师的衣服来到车站,想尽快离开这片土地。他随机挑了一个地方,上了火车,因为做贼心虚提早了下车。而在车站等待牧师的警长byran错认他是Mr. Pim,跟他介绍了教堂等待牧师的教友,其中有一个漂亮的姑娘,逃犯对她一见钟情。经过教堂的一番闹腾,逃犯随着教友回到家中,路上竟然遇到了狱中的朋友……

从军记 1


  描述一名美国士兵夏尔洛在第一次世界大战时,参与壕沟战,在一场进攻德军阵营的作战中,单枪匹马成功的俘虏了13名德兵,又在大战中把德军耍的团团转,在最后的情节,他以技巧性的活捉德军前线司令(此片影射兴登堡将军),使得大战结束,并在字幕上表示“Peace on earth—good will to all mankind. 世界和平—人类将会美好”,就在他成为英雄时被众人喝采下,镜头突然一转,原来是夏尔洛还是新兵的时候,在军帐中做的一个梦罢了…。

更好的奥利 3


  The adventures of Old Bill and his friends Bert and Alf in the trenches of the first World War.

TheMissingLink 8


国王,王后和小丑 7


  King, Queen, Joker is a 1921 silent feature farce written and directed by Sydney Chaplin, Charlie's older brother. The picture was produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed through Paramount Pictures. The film was shot in England, France and the United States.
  Less than a reel of this film, the barbershop sequence, survives at the British Film Institute. It was included ...