"帕维乌·帕夫利科夫斯基" 共找到影视: 12 部
托克尔 5


  A docu-drama about teenage car thieves living on a northern estate. Trevor, a seventeen-year-old dosser, falls in love. To win his girl's heart, he might just have to go straight. Will he make it

陀思妥耶夫斯基欧游记 1


第72届戛纳国际电影节颁奖典礼 2


  • 最新更新
  • 2019  

  电影节期间,竞赛和展映活动同时进行。电影节分为六个单元:“正式竞赛”,“导演双周”,“一种注视”,“影评人周”,“法国电影新貌”和“会外市场展” 。

迷失在卡尔斯坦 3


  A filmmaker from England is hired to direct an epic production in the Caucasus region of Europe.

SerbianEpics 1


  In this documentary, set in Bosnia during the war, Pawlikowski steers clear of the usual cliches of war reporting. He takes on a more anthropological perspective relying not on commentary but on the power of images: a mass baptism before the final battle, the bizarre antics of the remaining members of the Karadjordje dynasty and the tribal chants of Serbian peasant/soldiers at ...

TrippingwithZhirinovsky 2


  A candid, fly-on-the-wall BBC television documentary portrait of Russian Nationalist politician, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The film shows the leader on a cruise surrounded by two hundred supporters getting plenty of media attention in New York. We are left with the nagging question: to what extent is Zhirinovsky really dangerous To take that further, to what extent are populist po...

巴黎五区的女人 5


  为了能够见到阔别多时的女儿,作家汤姆(伊桑·霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰)千里迢迢来到了巴黎,没想到在这里,他不仅差点被警方逮捕,更是在公交车上丢失了所有的行李。汤姆身无分文,法语又不太灵光,无奈之下,自觉前途渺茫的他在一家餐馆里当上了夜班守门人。
  黑白颠倒的生活带给了汤姆诸多的感触,也将两个独特而又充满魅力的女人带到了他的生命之中。安妮雅(乔安娜·库里格 Joanna Kulig 饰)热情奔放,马吉特(克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas 饰)高雅迷人,但在这两个神秘的女人背后,均隐藏了一段不为人知的秘密。陌生的城市,陌生的语言,随着时间的流逝,汤姆渐渐发觉一切并没有看上去的那么单纯。

利莫诺夫:埃迪的歌谣 10



修女艾达 2


  • 已完结
  • 2013  


单亲相爱的日子 8


  Tanya arrives in London with her son Artyom, expecting to be met by her boyfriend. When he doesn't show and immigration wants to send her back to Russia, she asks for political asylum to buy some time. She has no idea that this will consign them for at least a year to a detention center, a fenced "city" near an abandoned seaside amusement park. Once there, realizing her boyfrie...