"弗朗索瓦·特吕弗" 共找到影视: 54 部
FranoiseDorléac,unepromesse 9


特吕弗:遗失的肖像 9


  Twenty-six people - including two daughters, an ex-wife, his last lover, actors, fellow directors and writers, a neighbor, and boyhood friends - talk about Franois Truffaut. They discuss his attitudes toward wealth, his early writings about cinema, the undercurrent of violence in his films and his personality, the way he used and altered events in his life when making films, h...

Laleondecinéma:FranoisTruffaut 1


  This is the (shorter) English version of La leon de cinéma: Franois Truffaut (1983), a documentary/interview with Truffaut in which he talks about his films and career. It was filmed in 1981 and re-released for Channel 4 in 1989. A fine treat for the admirers of this great director.

UneGrosseTete 10


Belleépoque 2


我们时代的电影 2


  • 已更新至51集
  • 1964  

  Chaque documentaire traite d'un cinéaste, voire d'une école cinématographique (la Nouvelle Vague...), ou d'une question particulière liée au cinéma (Critique et cinéma...). Le choix des réalisateurs, comme les questions abordées sont très empreintes de la vision des Cahiers du cinéma dont André S. Labarthe est l'un des anciens rédacteurs, Janine Bazin étant par ailleurs l'épous...

这儿我不熟 3


  This sad and often moving portrait of a fading genius perfectly captures Nicholas Ray's love for the cinema and the influences that are felt still today by one of the giants of American cinema. Interviewees include Francois Truffaut, Natalie Wood and John Houseman, with the inimitable Nick Ray (eye patch and all) taking centre stage. A poignant look at a tragic figure.

新浪潮双杰 1


GérardPhilipe,ledernierhiverduCid 3


  Follows the story of Gérard Philipe built exclusively on archive footage, on celebration of his 100th birthday anniversary.

法国新浪潮:一帮法外之徒 9


  In 1959, an unforgettable boy did "the four hundred tricks" in front of the camera of a beginner named Franois Truffaut and splashed with his success, popular and Cannes, the filmography of a nascent band of intrepid. Claude Chabrol's "Le Beau Serge", Jean-Luc Godard's "A bout de souffle", Jacques Rivette's "Paris nous appartient", Eric Rohmer's "Le Signe du lion", Jacques Roz...

朗格鲁瓦 5


希区柯克与特吕弗 7



寻找特吕弗 3
