"弗朗西斯科·加里多" 共找到影视: 14 部
asamblea 8


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  • 类别:喜剧  
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  It's the last meeting before summer and Josep wants to pull through the Concert related Definitive Text at any cost. All together, respecting both ideological plurality and speaking turns - if that's possible. The key is on the nuances. A proposals that questions the concept itself of participation with a sense of humor.

虹膜电视 6


我们生活的电影 10


  The summer song, the song of our lives, like a lightning bolt passing through our wounds, which Joe Crepúsculo sang, has its film version here, transfigured into a film which is in turn its own “Making of”. A summer house, films, home movies, songs, not always fortunate settings, in which the director directs his family in order to tell his own life, in a story that began in 19...

我知道你是谁第一季 4


  • 已更新至16集
  • 2017  

  胡安·埃利亚斯是一位出色的律师兼大学教授,他与一位法官结婚,育有两子。 有一天,他在路上徘徊的时候被人发现,当时他已经处于完全失忆的状态。几个小时后,警察找到了他的出事车辆,并在车内发现了移动电话和血迹,血迹来自他的女学生,这位女学生也是他的侄女,自从出事之后再也没有人见过她。 女孩的父亲不遗余力的寻找她,并试图证明是她的姐夫杀了她。于是埃利亚斯必须要证明自己的清白,尽管他并不知道自己是否真的有罪。

圣诞三日 10


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2019  


TheyWillAllDieinSpace 1


  The starship Tantalus drifts through space.

超能泰坦 2


  • 已完结
  • 2018  

  《超能泰坦》是一部发生在未来的科幻电影。那时的地球人口严重过剩,处于危险边 缘。战争盛行,资源正急剧减少。十年后,地球就将变成一片废墟,人类面临前所未有的挑战。在这个宇宙中,只有一个地方适合人类居住——土星的最大行星,泰坦。为了移民到泰坦星,科学家们推出一项军事实验项目:他们秘密计划将人类改造为适应泰坦星球恶劣生存环境的物种。 萨姆·沃辛顿 饰演的里克·詹森中尉成为实验对象之一。但这个实验也充满了未知和危险。
  随着试验强度的提升,一切已经进入了未知领域。里克的身体也逐渐发生变化,妻子(泰勒·席林 饰)和儿子(诺亚·尤佩 饰)陷入恐慌。原本承载人类希望的里克,就这样变成了人类的噩梦?

Grietas 10


  Sara, a popular journalist who fell from grace, moves into an old apartment on the outskirts of the city. She soon discovers she is not alone: a sinister entity lurks in the shadows of the corridor. The cracks on the facade, the elusive strange neighbors, the mystery concealed beneath the ground floor: in every corner of the battered old building there's rumors of pain, murder ...

行 3


Clanes 8


  • 最新更新
  • 2024  

  In 'Clanes', a new lawyer arrives to settle in the small town of Cambados. Her name is Ana (Clara Lago) and her presence doesn’t go unnoticed by anyone, including Daniel (Tamar Novas), son of an important drug trafficker and visible head of the "Padín clan" while the father remains in prison. Ana, with extensive experience in one of the best law firms in Madrid, has decided to ...

美洲豹 1



四罐 2


  杰拉多·奥利瓦雷斯执导新片[四罐](4 latas,暂译),让·雷诺、霍威克·库区科利安([恋爱中的蝎子])主演影片。故事讲述两个好友扎克(库区科利安饰)和皮埃尔(让·雷诺饰)决定前往马里看望生病的朋友约瑟巴(齐洽·圣弗朗西斯饰),而这也勾起三人曾旅行时的美好记忆。而几人生活更是得以改变。该片将在西班牙、摩洛哥等地展开为期八周的拍摄。

有人在的地方 3


  Working with the tiniest of micro-budgets, first-time feature filmmaker Juan Cavestany stages a series of bizarre, Buuelian scenarios that offer a cracked view of contemporary Spain in the wake of the economic crisis.