"弗谢沃罗德·普多夫金" 共找到影视: 16 部
脑的机能 2


象棋热 1


死光 8


  In a capitalist country, workers are heavily repressed but manage to get a "death ray" to fight back. (A part of the movie is lost.)

一个简单的案子 8


  Civil war died down. The soldiers returned home from the front.
  A strong friendship links the three comrades, former Red commanders Langovoy, Zheltikov and senior among them, Uncle Sasha.
  All three friends work in the military headquarters. Uncle Sasha and Zheltikov are bachelors. They dwelt together in one room. Friends often come to visit a cozy apartment of Langovoy and his ...

威斯特先生苏联历险记 3


  An example of ironic Soviet propagandistic film from the silent era, this film chronicles the adventures of an American, "Mr. West," and his faithful bodyguard and servant Jeddie, as they visit the land of the horrible, evil Bolsheviks. Through various mishaps, Mr. West discovers that the Soviets are actually quite remarkable people, and, by the end of the film, his opinion of ...

米宁和波札尔斯基 10


  本世纪初的十七。 对于干预第六年在俄罗斯土地的枷锁下。 1610年秋天波兰士绅欺骗抓获克里姆林宫,并试图突破到俄罗斯北部。 在整个起义爆发,但装备精良的侵略者粉碎分散农民分队。 解放运动的领导下诺夫哥罗德商人Kuzma Minin和王子德米特里Pozharsky。 亚历山大所扮演的角色的第一部电影可汗。

年轻的弗里茨 6


  Description : The script Samuil Marshak. Manufacturing: TSOKS.
  A screen adaptation of a satirical poem by S. Marshak about education, "this fascist." The film is made explicit in the conventional manner of agit-sketch with conventional sets and character-masks.

苏沃洛夫 5


  Primarily a biographical documentary about the military career of Alexander Vasilvich Suvorov, who was Field Marshal of the armies of Catherine the Great and Czar Paul I. After many military successes during the reign of Catherine, General Suvorov broke with her successor, Paul I, the Mad Emperor, over questions regarding army policy. He went into retirement and wrote "The Scie...

绝非冷漠的校园 4


  Taiwanese School: The Experiment of Sergei Eisenstein's Montage Theory is a film featuring Sergei M. Eisenstein 's montage art and revolutionary spirit, 'unification of society' as its theme. It also makes a social comment on bullying issues among contemporary society. Sergei M. Eisenstein 's montage artistic concept is presented in this short film.

圣彼得堡的末日 3


  A peasant comes to St. Petersburg to find work. He unwittingly helps in the arrest of an old village friend who is now a labor leader. The unemployed peasant is also arrested and sent to fight in World War I. After three years, he returns ready for revolution.

亚洲风暴 6



活尸 8


  The Living Corpse (Zhivoy trup)
  (Country: Germany, Soviet Union; Director: Fyodor Otsep; Writer: Boris Gusman, Anatoli Marienhof, Fyodor Otsep, Leo Tolstoy; Cast: Vsevolod Pudovkin, Maria Jacobini, Viola Garden, Julia Serda, Nato Vachnadze, Gustav Diessl, Vera Maretskaya, Dmitri Vvedensky, Vladimir Uralsky, Boris Barnet)
  Late-silent ...

伊凡雷帝2 4

