"德拉甘·米恰诺维奇" 共找到影视: 13 部
AufWiedersehen,Pet 5


  • 最新更新
  • 1983  

  The adventures of a gang of British workmen abroad. Combines black and white humour with moments of drama, poignancy and drunkenness. In series 1, the lads head to Germany seeking work, and are thrown together by virtue of shared nationality and a run-down wooden hut. The story follows the lads' relationships with women, Germans and each other, and their attempts at passing the...

尼曼雅王朝 4


  • 已更新至13集
  • 2017  

噬人海妖 5


  Two American girls travel to Montenegro on vacation to visit an old friend. While there they decide to venture to Mamula, an abandoned military fortress located on a remote island. During their exploration of the fortress they discover that they are not alone. Someone else is on the island with them and he will stop at nothing to protect it's secrets. There is a darkness hidden...

王牌保镖2 6


  • 已完结
  • 2021  


临时特工 2


  身为中情局探员的,凯文(克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock 饰)目前正在执行一项危险的卧底任务并且已经得到了至关重要的线索。不幸的是,就在这个节骨眼上,凯文被杀害了,为了任务的顺利进行,中情局找到了凯文的孪生兄弟杰克(克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock 饰),希望他能够代替死去的哥哥。
  和凯文的精明强干不同,杰克只是一个普通的年轻人,为了让他更快的适应新的工作,经验丰富的老探员奥克斯(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)成为了杰克的“教练”。没想到,脾气火爆的杰克对奥克斯的存在十分不感冒,两人关系紧张。时间紧迫,一旦杰克的伪装被识破,他将面临死亡的命运,在这样的危机时刻,杰克和奥克斯这一对冤家搭档能否顺利的完成任务呢?

摇滚黑帮 2


  莱尼(汤姆威尔金森 Tom Wilkinson 饰)是伦敦黑帮的头目,他手下有个得力干将艾奇(马克斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)。莱尼曾经做套逼小流氓头二(杰拉德巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)还债。结果,头二凭借情人史黛拉(桑迪牛顿 Thandie Newton 饰)提供的情报,成功打劫,抢得巨款,还清了债务,并且一发而不可收拾……
  莱尼买通议员想进军房地产市场。为了重金担保,他从俄罗斯黑帮头目尤里(卡瑞尔罗登 Karel Roden 饰)手中借来了一副名画。然而,这幅名画却不翼而飞。于是,一群人卷入了这场寻找名画的闹剧中,其中不乏有莱尼失散多年的儿子,盗卖皮草的毛贼,打不死的保镖,同性恋的律师等等。最后,在名画事件水落石出之时,黑帮最大告密者的身份也被揭穿……

剃光头 10


  SISANJE is a story of a young Belgrade high school math champ Novica who gets seduced into the world of skinheads by their charismatic leader Relja. Novica joins the gang of racist skinheads in an attempt to overcome the geek status in school but soon enough he is sucked into the world of racism, violence and hooliganism, the skinhead movement takes him over and eventually he s...

TheEngagement 7


  The Engagement is a complex and fascinating love story set in contemporary London. Dario is a mysterious motorbike courier who falls in love with a girl who is engaged to be married but he cannot escape his horrifying experiences in war-torn Yugolsavia.

生死权杖 7


  • 已完结
  • 2021  

  周潇(连凯 饰)1999年怀揣英雄梦只身前往贝尔格莱德,想当个战地记者。战争的残酷不但摧毁现实城池更有精神家园,当不成英雄做个偷生的“狗熊”也不错,有酒有肉有美女没事经常赌两把,偶尔也拉着“兄弟”李二宝(闫昌 饰)做点二手车的生意。因为赌债和二手车事故,黑老大米洛舍维奇(德拉甘·米恰诺维奇 饰)要他在九天之内抢到正在展览馆展出的皇家权杖来抵债,办不成就要死。正在进退两难之际,中国姑娘张瑾(费伟妮 饰)不远万里赴塞尔维亚认周潇当爹。从天而降的女儿在废柴老爹眼里比抢劫权杖更加棘手,赶走女儿、拉兄弟垫背、忽悠黑老大、溜之大吉,9天的时间能否从“狗熊”做回英雄?

故意谋杀 5


  Men, women, and war. Jelena Panic is a young woman in Belgrade in the early 1990s, during Serbia's war with Croatia; she's making a book of her grandmother's diaries from the end of World War II. She takes up with Bogden, a young soldier recovering from war wounds. He helps her with her grandmother's story, a tragic triangle involving her effete and well-educated husband and an...

抒情男高音 8



在我左右 10


  Olja is a high school history teacher, married to a painter whose latest exhibition provoked violent reactions from Serbian nationalists. One night, a group of masked hooligans attacks her. They film the attack and upload the clip to YouTube. The next day Olja discovers that some of her students were responsible. She takes away their mobile phones, and in the heat of the moment...