"提布尔·凡松" 共找到影视: 14 部
权力的学校 10


  • 已更新至2集
  • 2009  

  Cinq étudiants intègrent l’école nationale d’Administration en 1977 et découvrent les arcanes du pouvoir. Une radiographie très juste d e la formation des élites franaises sur fond de changement politique. Ils sont jeunes, beaux et talentueux. à la rentrée 1977, Abel, Matt, Caroline, Louis et Laure intègrent l’école nationale d’administration, fleuron de l’enseignement supérie...

无人清白 5


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2016  

维克多·雨果:国家公敌 2


  • 已更新至4集
  • 2018  

  1848, Paris under Siege: Victor Hugo is torn between his family, his mistresses and political turmoil - never mind finally completing his classic novel Les Miserables. Although Hugo is a confirmed Royalist, he supports the Republic and Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, who is soon to become president, convinced that he will initiate social reforms. But when the new government is formed...

三个火**:达达尼昂 1


  From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, to the gutters of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a kingdom divided by religious wars and under threat of British invasion, a handful of men and women will cross swords and tie their fate to that of France.

三个火**:米莱迪 6


  From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, to the gutters of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a kingdom divided by religious wars and under threat of British invasion, a handful of men and women will cross swords and tie their fate to that of France.

记忆的小巷 8


  The events of an ordinary summer in the Paris suburbs, but given a melancholy, dream-like eeriness in this superb ensemble piece by new director Mikhal Hers.
  Mikhal Hers has been one of France's most hotly-tipped new directors ever since his medium-length ensemble pieces Primrose Hill and Montparnasse - films largely about young people walking and talking, but with a magical ...

在海上的一天 3


  A short story about the incestuous relationship of brother and his sister Agatha returns to the seaside resort of her childhood in Normandy with her six-year-old son Honoré after years of absence.

巴黎夜旅人 10


  • 已完结
  • 2022  


生于68年 1



简单的心 1


  • 已完结
  • 2008  

  费莉西泰,拥有一颗简单、神圣、本原和终极的心,如同上帝创世之心。失恋后的她在寡妇欧班太太家找了一份佣人的活,但是无论她多么忠诚勤劳,却始终不能赢得女主人的信任…… 影片根据福楼拜同名短篇小说《简单的心》改编,并获得2009年雅克·普雷韦剧本奖的最佳文学改编作品奖。女主角由法国演技女王桑德里娜·伯奈尔出演,这也是她第二次饰演女佣角色,她以其充满野性和极富张力的演技,诠释了原作,即生命的精彩和人性的高贵。

孤儿 4


  • 已完结
  • 2018  

  不知生母是谁的泰奥自出生后便交由社会福利部门照顾,社会工作者亦尽力为他寻找适合的养母。他的生命就是这样开始的。爱丽丝在过去十年一直都很想要一个孩子。《In Safe Hands》是讲述一个三个月大的婴儿和四十一岁的爱丽丝相遇的故事。

最后一天 5


  18岁的青年西蒙(加斯帕德·尤利尔 Gaspard Ulliel 饰)在回家的火车上邂逅了一位姑娘——露易丝(梅拉尼·罗兰 Mélanie Laurent 饰),他将后者带回家里。圣诞期间的家中气氛冷峻,父亲一如既往怀疑他的生活,而西蒙和姐姐依旧恶语相向。共处一室作息的西蒙和露易丝却没有亲昵行为,当西蒙将露易丝介绍给自己的朋友马修后,他在这段三人行的关系中感到了纠结与痛苦,露易丝和马修越走越近,而西蒙的失落在不断叠加。与此同时,母亲当年的情人再度出现,这令西蒙一家生活的裂痕愈发明显。当露易丝和马修都离开了西蒙,母亲又向他吐露了一个秘密……

蒙巴纳斯 8


  One night, three young women, the neon lights of the boulevards, empty streets, a mall, quiet gardens, the tower plaza, the esplanade of the station, a farewell coffee, a camera, a concert, a terrace, then the city waking up, Montparnasse.
  Selected at the Directors’ Fortnight, Mikhal Hers’s third film turns this symbolic Parisian neighborhood into a theatre of feelings. The fi...