"斯特法诺·迪奥尼斯" 共找到影视: 20 部
Ilre 10


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  • 2022  

  Bruno applies his own personal idea of justice inside his prison while outside of it his life is far from ordered. When his kingdom unexpectedly comes under threat, he finds himself fighting the most difficult war of his life.

Raul-Dirittodiuccidere 7


寂静阴影 7


  Ann-Gisel Glass凭借此片获得1992年第42届德国电影劳拉奖最佳女主角奖。

游击队员乔尼 5


  After the 8th September 1943 north of Italy is occupied by Germans. Italian army collapsed and the soldiers are escaped to the mountains trying to set up a resistance. Many civilians did the same and Johnny, an English literature student, is among them. Johnny avoids to band together the red partisans (communists) and tries to be part of the azure bands (former regular soldiers...

梨树 2


  A little girl gets hurt by her mother's syringe. Her teenage half-brother tries to get her to get an HIV and hepatitis tests without their parents' knowledge, which causes more trouble.

迷失禁果 9



Correrecontro 1


  Correre contro is the story of a friendship between Pablo and Daniele. Pablo is a paraplegic who works at a rehabilitation center with more seriously injured patients. Daniele is sent there to do community service because he is a conscientious objector. At first they don't get along but a friendship develops that is soon threatened by their mutual interest in a singer.

惊悚无眠 9



命定男朋友 8


  马克(雷欧·波瓦 Raoul Bova 饰)在一家大型化妆品公司里担任营销经理的职务,经济的不景气让马克的事业摇摇欲坠。一天,身在米兰总部的大老板向马克发出了邀请,本以为此行会惨遭辞退的他却意外的获得了升职,可实际上这一切都是一个阴谋,升职后的马克不仅要面对上一任留下来的烂摊子,还要顶住更大的压力。
  在米兰,马克邂逅了莎拉(凯利·蕾莉 Kelly Reilly 饰)、吉利亚(巴博拉·伯布洛瓦 Barbora Bobulova 饰)、弗兰西斯卡(莎拉·菲尔伯鲍姆 Sarah Felberbaum 饰)和盖波利亚(玛蒂娜·斯黛拉 Martina Stella 饰),每一个女人的出现都让单身已久的马克想入非非,但似乎每个女人都和马克不是那么对味。

AlexandriaHotel 8


最后的黑手党 10


  L'ultimo dei corleonesi è un film per la TV trasmesso dalla RAI il 14 febbraio del 2007 diretto da Alberto Negrin, nel quale viene raccontata l'ascesa del clan dei corleonesi e dei suoi capi: Michele Navarra, Luciano Liggio, Totò Riina ed infine Bernardo Provenzano. Ascolto: 6.360.000 telespettatori e 26,70% di share.

Lavitacheverrà 1


血的失败者 8


  受Giampaolo Pansa有争议之著作的启发,本片回顾了一个在二战中因为政治分歧而导致家庭分裂的故事:儿子加入游击队,女儿为法西斯军队服务。本片介于历史记录片与政治惊悚片之间,带我们体验了意大利过去的矛盾对立……

三层楼上 8


  莫莱蒂新片《三层楼上》改编自伊斯兰作家Eshkol Nevo的同名小说(Three Floors Up)。影片把小说的背景移到意大利,讲述居住在罗马城区一栋三层楼房里的三户家庭的故事。在十年的时间内,每个家庭成员都被迫应对艰难的情况。面对这些 痛苦,他们所做出的不同选择将决定彼此生活的轨迹。