"曼努埃·勒莫佐斯" 共找到影视: 12 部
勒古庄园 3



拉米罗 7


如果你也爱电影 8



Ruínas 6


  Fragments of spaces, buildings and structures, memories and remains of past eras, places of work or leisure now inhabited by our memories alone, or really forgotten. Dead things or living proof of time, natural elements, and human predators themselves.

佩索阿如何拯救了葡萄牙 8


  During the 20's, at the request of one of his employers, the poet Fernando Pessoa conceives an advertising slogan for the drink Coca-Louca, which panics the authoritarian government of that time.

你值得什么 6


Sophia,naPrimeiraPessoa 1


  Resorting to the author’s personal assets, to current images of places where she lived or that she treasured, and to TV and film archive images; quoting her prose and poetry always with first hand testimonies; from Porto to Lisbon, from Granja to Lagos, from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, from Greece to the 25th of April: the passions and disillusionments of a life and work...

...QuandoTroveja 4


SobreMariadoMar 9


  In 1999 the Cinemateca Portuguesa commissioned the pianist and composer Bernardo Sassetti to score Maria do Mar, by Leito de Barros, the first film to be restored in the then recently opened Arquivo Nacional das Imagens em Movimento (National Archive of Moving Images). Manuel Mozos recovers the memory of this creative process through the archives of the composer's music sessio...

一千零一夜第2部:凄凉之人 9


  • 已完结
  • 2015  

  代表葡萄牙参赛奥斯卡的《一千零一夜》二部曲《一千零一夜II:孤独之人》,不同首部曲的天马行空,改以沉稳的叙事反映社会现实,透过小狗「迪克西」的角度,看尽现代人的冷漠与伪善, 富饶趣味地包装社会议题,同时为寂寞带来全新语言。狗儿充满灵性、惊喜的表现,毫无悬念地夺得本届坎城影展「狗狗金棕榈」奖,超级吸睛。