"朱利叶斯·J·爱泼斯坦" 共找到影视: 31 部
金屋佳人 8


少年心 10


星期六小孩 2


  Pretty Bobby Halevy loves Rims Rosson, a dreamer and inventor without much going for him. Rims has a scheme of going to Manila to turn hemp into silk and become rich. But when one of her family talks Bobby into tricking Rims into marriage, the real world comes crashing down on the couple.

回头也不要你 6


四千金续集 4


  Nan Masters, a single mother living with her four marriageable daughters, plans to marry Sam Sloane, businessman. Out of the blue her 1st husband Jim returns after deserting the family 20 years earlier. The worldly wanderer Jim gets a cool family reception at first but his warm personality gradually wins the affections of his four daughters. In fact, youngest daughter Buff, who...

苏联战场 9



分而治之 2


  In this episode of the Why We Fight propaganda series, the events from the English and French declarations of war against Nazi Germany to the conquest of France by the Nazi. In detail, we learn of how a combination of innovative Nazi military tactics and the work of traitors allowed the conquest of much of Central Europe.

纳粹的入侵 10



美国的参战 5


  In this final installment of the "Why We Fight" propaganda series, the subject focuses on the United States of America. We learn of its good qualities and the things worth fighting for. With that established, we learn of the history of the United States' population shifting opinion towards siding with the Allies against the Axis until the attack on Pearl Harbour which brought A...

中国之抗战 8


  This is one of seven major propaganda films made by the Department Of Defense during World War II, and it's directed by Frank Capra.
  In this installment of the "Why We Fight" propaganda series, we learn about the country of China and its people. With a brief history of the country, we also learn of why the Japanese wanted to conquer it and felt confident about succeeding. Final...

历劫余生 2


  Stanislaus Pilgrin, a Polish chess master and handsome gigolo, marries wealthy Jewish widow, Dr. Michele Wolf, an X-ray technician and has an affair with her step-daughter, Fabienne and then plots to murder them both in a scheme that will have him inherit their money.

恐惧症的滋味 6


  Phobia is a 2017 British/Italian horror anthology film produced by Tony Newton.The film delves into the horrors of an individual phobia via each segment.

香吻盟 7



公海上的罗曼史 8


  社交名士Elvira Kent怀疑她的丈夫正在背对着她与其她女人鬼混。当他提出他不能按照原定计划与她一起出海旅行,她雇用了一个夜总会歌手,Georgia Garrett安排她在巡游之中。Elvira住在一个靠近家的旅馆,这样她就能监视她的丈夫。她没有觉查到的是,她的丈夫已经雇用了一个私人侦探Peter Virgil监视她在海上的一举一动。当然,Peter并没有意识到Georgia不是Kent夫人……