"杰伊·桑德斯" 共找到影视: 48 部
LastB-24 10


  • 最新更新
  • 2018  

  NOVA: Last B-24 In 1944 a smoking, battle-scarred B-24 Liberator bomber known as the Tulsamerican crashed into the choppy seas off the coast of Croatia, entombing three of its occupants under 135 feet of water. For years they were lost to the world - and their families. But in 2010, nearly seventy years after the crash, the Department of Defense located the plane. And in 2017, ...

一战秘密地道战 1




Outrage 9


  • 译名:
  • 类别:惊悚  
  • 语言:

  A group of politicians and international media meet for a private dinner, but they soon realize that they have fallen into a deadly trap.

媒人 1


  Marcy is an assistant to Senator John McGlory, who is having problems with a re-election campaign. Desperate for Irish votes, McGlory's chief of staff Nick sends Marcy to Ireland to trace McGlory's relatives or ancestors. Marcy arrives at the village of Ballinagra when it is preparing for an annual Matchmaking Festival. A well-dressed, handsome and single young lady, she become...

足球万万岁 4


  本片故事事發生在一個偏僻無奇、生活平淡的小鎮,當一位由英國來的『交換老師』 Anna來到鎮上的學校時,她面對這群對未來不存希望的學生們,她決定用一些方式來開啟他們的心靈,最後她選擇了足球運動來提起學生們的興趣,甚至她還找了這個小鎮上的警長 Tom Palmer 來擔任這群小朋友的教練,他過去曾經是鎮上的足球明星。Anna甚至還幫他們報名參加比賽,於是『綠坪隊』就正式成軍了,一開始根本只是志在參加玩玩的心態,但幾次比賽的輸球卻激起了孩子們的求勝心與榮譽感,甚至小鎮上的人們也因此被感染,熱情加油、積極幫忙球隊,成了小鎮上的一大盛事,喚起了大家心中埋藏已久的熱忱!在大家的打氣聲中,『綠坪隊』居然過關斬將,以黑馬之姿橫掃足球場!

AManCalledHawk 4


特种部队ATF 9



RioShannon 8


哈姆雷特:汝父之灵 5


  This immersive 360o adaptation of Hamlet plunges viewers into the prince's harrowing journey. The viewer is cast as the ghost of Hamlet's dead father, an omniscient observer, guide, and participant throughout the 60-minute experience.

佩特拉:失落的岩石古城 8


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2015  

  More than 2,000 years ago, the thriving city of Petra rose up in the bone-dry desert of what is now Jordan. An oasis of culture and abundance, the city was built by wealthy merchants whose camel caravans transported incense and spices from the Arabian Gulf. They carved spectacular temple-tombs into its soaring cliffs, raised a monumental Great Temple at its heart, and devised a...

人类的黎明 6


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2015  

  NOVA and National Geographic present exclusive access to an astounding discovery of ancient fossil human ancestors. Deep in a South African cave, a special team of experts has brought to light an unprecedented wealth of fossils belonging to a crucial gap in the record of our origins that spans the transition between the ape-like australopithecines (such as the famous Lucy) and ...

新星第一季 2


  • 已更新至13集
  • 1974  

  sonychen 强烈推荐
  One of the best PBS series,A weekly documentary series, each episode providing an in-depth look at a different subject of scientific research. Subjects examined by this show have included the cutting edge of theoretical physics, a return to the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, the long-term effect...

新星第三十九季 7


  • 已更新至1集
  • 2011  

  寻找地球以外生命 是 PBS Nova系列的一部分,由杰伊·桑德斯主持的纪录片.用令人眼花缭乱的动画结合最新的望远镜影像把你带到浩瀚的宇宙,还有顶级天体生物学家的解读。是一部精彩的纪录片。