"杰瑞米·艾恩斯" 共找到影视: 103 部
1970年至1991年的回忆第一季 4


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1991  

  22 one-hour programs giving a truly balanced and entertaining perspective of the most exciting, topical and human interest events of 1970 to 1991. There's something for everybody! The politics, fashions, music, stars, personalities, conflicts and the disasters which touched all our lives.
  1. 1970
  Troops shoot students at Kent State. First 'Jumbo' lands at Heathrow. Edward Heath...

BillMoyers:AmazingGrace 10


1999第56届金球奖颁奖典礼 5


  The 56th Annual Golden Globe Awards give out prestigious awards to some of America's favorite entertainers in film and television!

纪念彼得·霍尔爵士 9


  Dame Judi Dench, Sir Ian McKellen, Vanessa Redgrave, Sir Trevor Nunn and many others look back at the extraordinary life of Sir Peter Hall, the man who transformed British theatre. In a career spanning seven decades he brought Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter to the London stage and led the Royal Shakespeare Company while still only 29 years old.
  This film charts his life from ...

TheSultanandtheSaint 6


  Two men of faith, one a traveling Christian preacher, the other the ruler of a Muslim Empire, bucked a century of war, distrust, and insidious propaganda in a search for mutual respect and common ground. It is the story of Francis of Assisi and the Sultan of Egypt, and their meeting on a bloody battlefield during the period of Christian- Muslim conflict known as the Crusades.

俄亥俄即兴 2


  • 正片

  Beckett on Film
  Ohio Impromptu, written in 1980, opens with a figure clad in black with long white hair hiding his face and sitting on a white chair at a white table. There are two characters, the Reader and the Listener. The Reader, it emerges, is a mysterious messenger from someone now dead and once loved by the Listener. The book the Reader reads from tells the story of the ...

阿联酋的历史 4


  • 已更新至3集
  • 2019  

  For the first time ever, the ancient history of the United Arab Emirates is depicted in this informative and entertaining three-part documentary series. Stretching back 125,000 years and culminating in the union in 1971, HISTORY OF THE EMIRATES profiles the ancient foundations of the modern country - exploring some of the region's most historic sites, uncovering innovations tha...

魅力大都会 3


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2015  

  New York, Paris, Rome, San Francisco, London, New Orleans - six of the world’s top destination cities. Each conjures up iconic images, emotions, flavors, characters - unique experiences.
  Stunning CGI and stylized recreation bring defining moments and history to life. Exploring the perseverance, ambition, Ingenuity when each city overcame the challenges of its environment. Uncov...

活火生机 10


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2013  


自由:美国通史 7


  • 已更新至16集
  • 2003  


揭秘莎士比亚第一季 4


  • 已更新至6集
  • 2012  

  1/6 Joely Richardson looks at William Shakespeare's early career and his roles for women.
  2/6 Ethan Hawke looks at the greatest productions as he uncovers the story behind Macbeth.
  3/6 Derek Jacobi looks at Richard II and reveals why it could have cost Shakespeare his life.
  4/6 Director Trevor Nunn looks at the magical world created in Shakespeare's The Tempest.
  5/6 Jeremy Iron...

波吉亚家族第二季 7


  • 已完结
  • 2012  

  当然教皇的家人将仍然是故事叙述的核心,只不过这个家族的内部斗争也愈来愈激烈。 Cesare (弗朗索瓦·阿尔诺)和Juan(大卫·奥克斯)兄弟反目。Lucrezia(霍利·格林格)在爱和自我中从极端走向极端。别忘了尤利乌斯二世,虽然他当时还没爬上教皇的御座,But it is known,他的野心终将被写入史书,而其中的细节与曲折,恐怕还得各位看官睁大眼睛看好波吉亚家族第二季……

辛普森一家第二十三季 5


  • 已更新至22集
  • 2011  

  《辛普森一家》是福克斯电视台迄今为止最成功的电视动画片。同时也是美国电视史上播放时间最长的动画片。其剧场版已于 2007年上映,亦取得票房及口碑的巨大成功。
  《辛普森一家》最早是FOX喜剧小品《特蕾西-厄尔曼秀》(The Tracey Ullman Show)中的一系列动画小品。这部动画片主要描述了辛普森一家在Springfield的生活。辛普森家的家长Homer不是传统意义上的“居家男人 ”。他作为一家之主,努力想领导没大没小的家庭成员,可经常发生的情况是他才是那个被领导的。这个家庭里有爱,蓝头发的女家长Marge,麻烦大王儿子 Bart,优秀的出人意料的女儿Lisa,还有婴儿Maggie。这个家庭从来不会变老,但Springfield小镇的背景却在随着年代变化。无论情况多困窘,辛普森一家幸福的住在一起。

五角秘势力 2


  • 已完结
  • 2022  
