"查尔斯·肖内西" 共找到影视: 18 部
超级保姆第四季 3


  • 已更新至26集
  • 1996  

  Upon returning home from Paris, Fran couldn't be happier when C.C. says Maxwell just hired her for her looks. To find out if this is true, Fran tries dating a blind guy. Meanwhile Maxwell tries to back-peddle after what he told Fran on the plane.

超级保姆第三季 4


  • 已更新至27集
  • 1995  

AKissSoDeadly 1


  • 正片

哈里与梅根:成为皇室 3


  The continuing love story of newlyweds Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle during their first year of marriage.

超级保姆第六季 6


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1998  

  On Fran and Maxwell's honeymoon aboard the yacht, Fran falls overboard and Maxwell jumps in to rescue her. They manage to make it to a deserted island. There, they have some good times and bad times in their survival, but the worst ends up being a poisonous bite that Maxwell receives. He thinks he's going to die, but luckily for him, Fran watched daytime television in the past ...

超级保姆第五季 8


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1997  

  If not for C.C. walking in on them, Maxwell and Fran would have done it in the hospital bed next to Niles. After the fact, Fran is encouraged that finally something is happening between them. Maxwell on the other hand is still uncertain, and gets some glib advice from Niles to preoccupy Fran with some meaningless project, like redecorating a room, to give him more time to figur...

超级保姆第二季 4


  • 已更新至26集
  • 1994  


超级保姆第一季 4


  • 已更新至22集
  • 1993  

  《天才保姆》(The Nanny,港译《超级保姆》)是一部美国CBS播放的电视情景喜剧。1993年11月3日始播,1999年结束,共六季。背景设在纽约曼哈顿,讲述一位犹太保姆在一户英国贵族家庭工作、生活的搞笑故事。
  播出六年,在美国收视率很高,在其他一些国家人气也很旺,引进海外情景喜剧不多的中国大陆也播放过。此剧是极少数主角是犹太人的成功美国情景喜剧之一,也是美国近年来少数围绕著女性人物为中心的情景喜剧之一。女主角保姆由弗兰·卓雪(Fran Drescher)扮演,剧集中保姆很多亲戚的名字就是借鉴卓雪的真实亲友而来。此剧的执行制作人是弗兰·卓雪本人和她当时的丈夫马克·雅格森。

最终频率 6


  A ph.D student investigates unusual seismic activity in Los Angeles, leading to a cabal of elitist scientists, who plan to weaponize Nikola Tesla's most secret research to manipulate thought patterns and earthquakes.@

月球陷阱:地球危机 9


  • 已完结
  • 2017  


与王子共度圣诞节 6


  Pediatric specialist Tasha Mason is focused on keeping the kids in her ward as healthy as possible. But when the handsome Prince Alexander Cavalieri breaks his leg on a nearby ski-slope, Tasha is forced to allow him to secretly get well on her floor, and she's furious that a spoiled Royal is interrupting the precious healing time her kids need. Soon, however, Tasha learns that ...

猫和老鼠:罗宾汉和他的机灵鼠 7


  • 已完结
  • 2012  


天才保姆主演再聚首 2


  It was wonderful of Fran Drescher to open up her spectacular Malibu home to hold a reunion for the much loved,and never forgotten characters of the hit sitcom The Nanny.Although Fran still has that somewhat annoying,thick Queens accent,her appearance has dramatically changed since the Nanny.However,with long straight black hair,and style still in tact,Fran Drescher makes the 40...

爱的圣诞夜 10


  Follow the heartwarming journey of 2 orphan girls whose only wish is to find a home for Christmas. With a little help from their guardian angels (Dick Van Dyke and Angela Lansbury), they discover miracles can happen when you believe.