"梅·罗布森" 共找到影视: 13 部
TheSolitaireMan 4


1939年华纳电影NG镜头荟萃 4


Mother'sMillions 9


四千金续集 4


  Nan Masters, a single mother living with her four marriageable daughters, plans to marry Sam Sloane, businessman. Out of the blue her 1st husband Jim returns after deserting the family 20 years earlier. The worldly wanderer Jim gets a cool family reception at first but his warm personality gradually wins the affections of his four daughters. In fact, youngest daughter Buff, who...

RubberTires 10


跳进来的新娘 3


  Raised in seclusion to be the epitome of mental, physical and moral perfection, Gerald Beresford Wicks is resigned to following his grandmother's wishes until a chance encounter with Mona Carter leads him into the outside world.

一日贵妇 6


  安妮(梅·罗布森 May Robson 饰)是苦苦挣扎在贫困线上的可怜女子,但为了不让自己远在西班牙的女儿马汀(格伦达·法瑞尔 Glenda Farrell 饰)担心,安妮常常在信中捏造自己富裕的假象,声称自己已经打入了伦敦的上流社会之中。
  马汀在西班牙订婚了,她的未婚夫出生在一个显赫的西班牙贵族家庭之中,马汀决定带着未婚夫和自己的准公公来美国,探望一下安妮,很显然,这对于安妮来说,并不是一个好消息。一个谎言要用一百个谎言去圆,在安妮焦头烂额之际,花花公子戴夫(华伦·威廉 Warren William 饰)挺身而出决定帮助她,很快,安妮就找到了一幢可以招待亲家的别墅。戴夫的所作所为究竟目的为何呢?

育婴奇谭 8


  • 已完结
  • 1938  

  在博物馆工作的古生物学家David Huxley(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant 饰)最近春风得意:即将和女友结婚,又千辛万苦得到了一块恐龙骨头,博物馆即将得到一位Random夫人的捐资。然而他的好运似乎在遇见Susan Vance(凯瑟琳·赫本 Katharine Hepburn 饰)的那一刻“结束”了。Susan是一个富家女,她的弟弟刚刚从南美洲给她寄回了一头叫“Bbay”的豹子,并让她把豹子带给她的姑妈。Susan坚持认为David是一名动物学家,让他一起把Baby一起送去远在康涅狄格州的姑妈家。一路上两人闹了不少笑话,而到了姑妈家,David发现Susan的姑妈就是Random夫人(May Robson 饰),而Random夫人似乎对David印象不佳,捐资之事岌岌可危;更糟糕的是,那块恐龙骨头似乎和Baby一起失踪了。一方面,爱上了Da...

护士艾迪丝·卡维尔 4


  English nurse Edith Cavell is matron in a small private hospital in German-occupied Brussels during WWI. When the son of a recently deceased patient escapes from a German prisoner-of-war camp, Cavell aids him to reach Holland and safety. This leads to Cavell, a local noblewoman, the grandmother of the escaped prisoner-of-war, and others to form an organization to help Belgian, ...

芝加哥 1


  At the start of the silent version of Chicago, Amos Hart (a much more sympathetic role than in either the source play or the later musical) wakes up and makes breakfast for Roxie...

如果我有一百万 6


  Wealthy John Glidden wants to give his money away to strangers rather than have his relatives fight over it. We see the effect the gifts have on many different sorts of individuals.

空门遗恨 9


  Angela, the daughter of Prince Chiaromonte, is set to marry dull banker Ernesto Traversi, when she unexpectedly meets dashing Lt. Giovanni Severi at carnival time. Angela and Giovanni start meeting in secret and fall in love. She informs her father that she won't marry Ernesto and wants to marry Giovanni instead, but their marriage is put on hold, first by her disapproving fath...