"沃尔夫冈·科尔哈泽" 共找到影视: 17 部
街角的柏林 8


  Berlin in the 1960s. Olaf and Horst are two young metalworkers, who provoke their older colleagues with critiques of the antiquated equipment and lack of materials ... not to mention their love of leather jackets and motorbikes. When Paul, the only senior worker who understands them, dies, Olaf and Horst begin to be targeted in the house newsletter, and the generational conflic...

运动场上的裸男 1


爱封了 4


  山城女孩凌玲(江一燕 饰)志愿成为一名空姐,为了这个目标她在重庆小丑鲜花店努力打工存钱。偶然的机缘,玲儿与德籍华人余广浩(吴大维 饰)有了一段露水姻缘。在此之后,两人经常通过余送来的手机谈情说爱,俨然一对热恋中的情侣。这个火辣的妹子无法忍受相思之苦,终于乘上飞往柏林的飞机前来寻找恋人。然而迎接她的不是余广浩,而是自称余的下属马克(弗罗里安·卢卡斯 Florian Lukas 饰)。

威士忌与伏特加 8


  A renowned actor named Otto is the epitome of the problematic but beloved ladies man. Even when drunk he still knows more about filmmaking than does the amateur who is directing him in his latest movie. But what should the unreliable star do when a local actor joins the crew as his understudy Comic situations arise not only because of the well-known environment, but also from ...

DerBruch 1


DieZeit,diebleibt 9


  The film begins in Peredelkino, a reunion of Konrad Wolf after decades with the unforgettable world of childhood in his second home, the Soviet Union. The former summer house of the emigrated poet Friedrich Wolf's family still stands not far from Moscow. His son Konrad, called Koni, the younger of the two brothers, paid another visit there in October 1981, shortly before his de...

叛逆街头 3


  Berlin - Ecke Schnhauser depicts the youth of 1950s East Berlin as an aimless bunch, lacking goals, with no motivation to better themselves or to look beyond the thrill of the next dance or meaningless act of delinquency. Here the youth of the DDR have much in common with their American counterparts in films like Rebel Without a Cause. Unlike the spoiled LA kids choking on Eis...

波斯语课 8


  • 电影解说
  • 2020  

  二战期间,犹太人吉尔斯在集中营谎称自己是波斯人保命,被一位德国军官看中要求教自己波斯语。对波斯语完全不懂的吉尔斯只能凭空编出一门语言,他开始用集中营中关押的犹太人的名字作为词根,编造出上千个“波斯语”单词,军官在残暴的环境中对吉尔斯竟有了依赖,并开始袒护他,不料集中营中来了一 个真正的波斯人……

光芒渐逝的年代 1



当我们做梦时 8


  • 已完结
  • 2015  

  故事发生在东德刚刚解体的这个节骨眼上。里科(朱利斯尼兹舒寇夫 Julius Nitschkoff 饰)、丹尼尔(梅林罗斯 Merlin Rose 饰)、保罗(Frederic Haselon 饰)和马克(乔尔巴斯曼Joel Basman 饰)是成长在这个动荡的特殊时刻的四位青年。他们用他们各自特殊的方式来疯狂的挥霍青春。
  在经历的一系列疯狂的体验之后,四人合伙开了一家迪斯科舞厅,哪知道没开多久便被新纳粹青少年给霸占了。与此同时,里科依然保留着他想要成为拳击手的梦想,丹尼尔则对漂亮的莱比锡(露比欧菲Ruby O. Fee 饰)一往情深。当他们的命运被时代车轮裹挟前进时,每个人会走上一条怎样的道路呢?

前往金星的第一艘太空飛船 9


  The amazing imaginative fiction author Stanislaw Lem wrote this visually stunning East German space exploration film with a dated but still thoughtful message. The Sets of Der Schweigende Stern are detailed and beautiful - giving the film an amazingly alien feel. The cinematography varies from excellent to mediocre, and the visual effects are cleverly done - relying on actual p...

阳台前的夏天 9


  • 已完结
  • 2005  

  多得有妮可(纳嘉·乌尔 Nadja Uhl 饰)家中的那个小阳台,她和邻居兼死党凯琳(英卡·芙德瑞Inka Friedrich 饰)得以互诉心事,消解夏天烦躁,细品人生况味。每个清风习习的傍晚,妮可和凯琳都在阳台上喝可乐和酒。妮可每天都细心照顾独居老人,而未婚妈妈凯琳为儿子的学业爱情操心,没有好工作、好伴侣的两个好姊妹,在这里幻想着新感情的出现。
  他终于出现了。是一个货车司机,名叫罗纳(安德雷斯·施密特Andreas Schmidt 饰),妮可内心的感情在萌芽。罗纳肯定是一个优秀的专一的伴侣——妮可一度这样认定。罗纳搬到妮可家中住下,也慢慢走近了邻居凯琳的生活,三个人之间的感情纠葛渐渐升级。凯琳和妮可甚至有了争吵,和谐的关系似乎渐渐远去。其实,这个夏天的妮可阳台的风景,还远未结束呢。

我当年19岁 6


  格雷戈尔(贾基·施瓦茨 Jaecki Schwarz 饰)在很小的时候因为战乱跟随父母逃离了德国,当他再度回到自己的故乡时,已经是一位19岁的青年了。回归后,格雷戈尔以苏联军官的身份被任命成为了地方司令官。当地的市长是一名纳粹分子,当他的阴谋败露之后,他和格雷戈尔之间爆发了激烈的矛盾。
  格雷戈尔和伙伴萨沙(阿列克谢·艾博贞科 Aleksey Eybozhenko 饰)、德辛吉斯(Jenny Grllmann 饰)一起前往前线,向德国士兵劝降。哪知道在解放集中营的过程中,萨沙被受惊的士兵乱枪打死。眼前混乱的景象和好友的身亡让格雷戈尔坚定了信念,要拯救自己的国度。

独唱苏妮 1


  Sunny is the singer of band trying to establish itself in the music-scene of East-Berlin. They play regular gigs in small towns, but Sunny feels out of touch with the audience and her life as a whole. She begins a relationship with the amateur saxophonist and studied philosopher Ralph who writes her a very personal song - but his obsession with death and unfaithful lifestyle is...