"泰鲁·岛田绅助" 共找到影视: 5 部
剿匪伟绩 6


  A G-man goes undercover to infiltrate a gang, helping the group's leader escape from prison to gain his trust.

007之雷霆谷 1


珊瑚海的战斗 3


  珊瑚海海战(Battle of Coral Sea)是一场于1942年5月4日至5月8日,发生于珊瑚海的海上战斗,是太平洋战争中的一场重要战役。这是第一次有航空母舰参与的海战,是第一次双方舰队在视线距离外进行的海战,也是第一次双方战舰没向敌军战舰开火的海战。这次的交锋并没有对双方的战力造成太大的损伤,不仅如此,双方还从这战役中得到了宝贵的经验,并为一个月后的中途岛海战拉开了序幕……

东京风云 7


  Joe Barrett returns to Tokyo after World War II where he once owned a bar, Tokyo Joe's, and deserted his wife Trina. They have a seven-year-old daughter. Kimura forces Joe into piloting war criminals by revealing that during the war Trina made treasonous propaganda broadcasts.